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Java universe big bang by Mind Map: Java universe big bang


1.1. Eclipse MicroProfile

1.2. Micronaut

1.3. Helidon

1.4. Vaddin

2. Java Enterprise

2.1. EJB

2.1.1. Annotation for ver 3.0

2.1.2. Annotation for ver 3.2

2.2. JPA

2.2.1. JTA Java Transaction Api

2.2.2. ORMS Hibernate Eclipselink Toplink

2.3. JSF

2.3.1. Primefaces

2.3.2. Richfaces

2.3.3. Icefaces

2.4. JMS

2.5. CDI

2.6. Servlet

2.7. JSP

2.7.1. JSTL

2.8. Servers

2.8.1. Webspehre

2.8.2. Glassfish

2.8.3. Tomcat

2.8.4. Payara

2.8.5. Wildfly

2.8.6. Depricated JBoss

2.8.7. Jetty

2.8.8. Oracle Weblogic

2.8.9. Resin

2.8.10. TomEE

2.9. JAX-WS


2.10. JAX-RS

2.10.1. Rest Hateos XML and JSON Jersey Restlet Apache CXF

2.11. JAXB for xml parsing

2.12. Oracle ADF

2.12.1. Essentials Free

2.13. Eclipse Jakarta project

2.14. JMX

3. Build tools

3.1. Maven

3.2. Ant

3.3. Gradle

3.4. Jenkins

3.5. Hudson

4. Parsing XML

4.1. JDOM

4.2. SAX

4.3. DOM

5. In memory database

5.1. H2Database

5.2. Redis

5.3. HyperSQL

5.4. Apache Derby

6. JVMs

6.1. standard Oracle

6.2. openJDK

6.3. IBM

6.4. JVM on QNX

6.5. JRockit

6.6. RedHat openJDK

6.7. GraalVM

6.8. OracleHotSpot

7. BigDat stuff like indexing

7.1. Elasticsearch

7.1.1. JSON Format with Rest Services

7.2. MongoDB

8. Java external frameworks

8.1. hessian binary web service protocol

8.2. JDO , another framework for persistent your relational database.

8.3. Hazelcast in memory NOSQL database

8.4. Mocking Frameworks

8.4.1. Jmock

8.4.2. PowerMock

8.4.3. Mockito

8.4.4. AssertJ

8.4.5. EasyMock

8.4.6. Arquilian

9. Environments

9.1. Linux Server

9.1.1. RHEL

9.1.2. SLES

9.1.3. CentOS

9.1.4. Debian

9.1.5. Ubuntu

9.1.6. Fedora

9.1.7. Mint

9.2. QNx

9.3. MacOS

9.4. Windows Server

9.5. CLOUD environment

9.5.1. AWS-Cloud

9.5.2. Azure Provide Weblogic solutions

9.5.3. Google

9.5.4. Cloud Pivotal Native support of Spring Boot

9.5.5. Oracle Cloud

9.5.6. IBM Cloud

10. JavaMemoryProfile

10.1. Java VisualVM

10.2. JProfiler

10.3. YourKit

10.4. NetBeans Profiler

11. Docker in Openshift

11.1. Kubernetes a system for managing of containers on multiple hosts

11.1.1. Docker Image with OS Docker Swarm another docker orchestration tool

12. Kibana visualization of Elasticsearch data

13. Gui

13.1. Swing

13.1.1. There are some layout designer programms

13.1.2. Will be deprecated in 2025!!!!

13.2. JavaFx

13.2.1. FXML

13.2.2. SceneBuilder

13.3. AWT

13.4. Eclipse SWT

14. Java 8 core

14.1. Lambda

14.2. Time and Date

14.3. Generics

14.4. Stream

14.5. Thread

14.6. String api

14.7. Locale

14.8. Serialization

14.9. Annotations

14.10. Regex

14.11. BigDecimal type used in Bank , insurances and so on

14.12. Design pattern aka clean code aka know not only language syntax but rather use common sense in Progrmming

14.13. JDBC

14.14. Stream API

14.15. YAGNI (You aint gonna need it)

14.16. SOLID ; Single responsibility, open close principle, liskov substitution, interface segregation, dependency inversion

14.17. Collection

14.18. FileIO

14.19. JavaFX

14.20. Swing

15. Spring

15.1. Spring MVC

15.2. Spring Boot

15.2.1. Contains embeded tomcat server

15.3. Spring Data

15.3.1. JPA JPQL Typed Query Named Query Always configure persistence provider

15.3.2. JDBC use only on small projects

15.4. Thymeleaf

15.5. Hybris SAP Framework

15.6. Singleton , injection

15.6.1. Reactive Spring, Josh Long author

16. DEPRICATED!!!!! Java script engine nasshorn starting from Java version 9 is deprecated!!!!!!

17. IDE

17.1. Eclipse

17.2. InteliJ

17.3. Netbeans

17.4. Microsoft visual studio code one

17.5. Oracle Jdeveloper


18.1. Amazon AWS EC2

18.2. Microsoft Azure

18.3. Pivotal Cloud foundry

18.4. OwnCloud

18.5. Noris Digital private cloud

18.6. IBM

18.7. Oracle

18.7.1. Oracle APEX

18.8. Eclipse cloud tools

18.9. Quarkus Java native kind of kubernetes solution

18.10. Codeless

18.10.1. Squarespaces

18.10.2. Jimdo

18.10.3. Shopify

18.10.4. Wix

18.10.5. Salesforce

18.11. Digital Ocean

18.12. Heroku

18.13. VMWARE cloud

19. Java 11 and newer

19.1. Modular

19.2. Vendors

19.2.1. Oracle

19.2.2. Redhat Java

19.2.3. Amazon Correto

19.2.4. Azul

19.2.5. IBM

19.2.6. Microsoft Java

19.2.7. AdopOpenJDK

20. Usefull books about Java programming

20.1. Effective Java

20.2. Head First Java

20.3. Beginning Java8 Language Features Apress

20.4. Java The complete Reference Ninth edition

20.5. Introduction to Java Programming comprehensive version

20.6. The Java language specification by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele , Gilad Brache, Alex Buckley

20.7. Java Concurrency in Practice