Geomatics Trainning Module

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Geomatics Trainning Module by Mind Map: Geomatics Trainning Module

1. Geohazards Level 3

1.1. Principles of Geohazards

1.2. Geohazards Operation

1.2.1. Geohazards Surveying in E&P

1.2.2. Positioning in Geohazards : Surface and Acoustic

1.2.3. Geohazards : Methodology and Acquisition

1.2.4. Introduction to Geophysics Principles

1.3. Geohazards Reporting and Mapping

1.3.1. Integration of Data : Land, Nearshore and Offshore

1.3.2. Geohazards Analysis and Interpretation

1.3.3. Geohazards Survey Data Management

1.3.4. Geohazards Reporting and Charting

1.3.5. Geohazards Data Application : GIS and Geotechnical

1.4. Geohazards Technology

1.4.1. Deepwater Geohazards : Identification and Impact

1.4.2. Technology for Deepwater Geohazards

1.4.3. High Resolution Seismic for Geohazards

1.4.4. Multibeam Data Processing & 4D Visualization

2. Geomatics Operation Level 3

2.1. Survey Principles

2.2. Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy and Coordinate Reference Systems

2.3. Applied Survey Science

2.4. Applied Geodesy

2.5. Topographic Surveying & Mapping for E&P

2.6. Engineering Surveying for E&P

2.7. Offshore Positioning

2.8. Underwater Positioning & Metrology

2.9. Engineering Survey Data Management

2.10. E&P Geospatial Data Integrity: Surface Positioning & Mapping

2.11. Remote Sensing and Raster Data Management

2.12. Hydrographic Surveying for E&P

3. Geo-Information Level 3

3.1. Geoinformation Principles

3.2. Spatial and Non-Spatial Databasing Technologies

3.3. Geospatial Analysis for E&P

3.4. Seismic Navigation Data Management

3.5. Geoinformation for Acquisition and Processing

3.6. Geohazards Survey Data Management

4. Geomatics Level 1

4.1. 1.1 Fundamental of Geomatics

4.1.1. Introduction to Survey Principles

4.1.2. Introduction to Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy

4.1.3. Introduction to Coordinate Reference Systems

4.1.4. Principles of Geomatics Operations

4.1.5. Principles of Geohazards

4.1.6. Geoinformation Principles

4.2. 1.2 Applied Geomatics

4.2.1. 1.2.1 Applied Survey Science Applied Geodesy Applied Survey Science

4.2.2. 1.2.2 Geomatics for Geophysical Operation

4.2.3. 1.2.3 Geohazards Operation for Upstream

4.2.4. 1.2.4 Geomatics in Drilling & Well Support

4.2.5. 1.2.5 Geomatics in Engineering, Development & Production

5. Geomatics Level 2

5.1. 2.1 Geomatics for Geophysical Support

5.1.1. Introduction to Geophysics Principles

5.1.2. Applied Survey Applied Geodesy Applied Survey Science

5.1.3. Seismic Acquisition Survey and Positioning for Seismic Acquisition Geoinformation for Acquisition and Processing

5.1.4. Seismic Navigation Data Management

5.1.5. Seismic Interpretation Geoinformation for Interpretation Teams Geomatics in Seismic Interpretation

5.1.6. E&P Geospatial Data Integrity: Geophysical Applications

5.2. 2.2 Geomatics in Engineering Development and Production

5.2.1. Underwater Positioning & Metrology

5.2.2. Applied Survey Science

5.2.3. Applied Geodesy

5.2.4. Offshore Positioning

5.2.5. Engineering Surveying for E&P

5.2.6. Engineering Survey Data Management

5.2.7. Topographic Surveying & Mapping for E&P

5.2.8. E&P Geospatial Data Integrity: Surface Positioning & Mapping

5.3. 2.3 Geohazards Operation for Upstream

5.3.1. 2.3.1 Principles of Geohazards

5.3.2. 2.3.2 Geohazards Operation Hydrographic Surveying for E&P Geohazards Surveying in E&P Positioning in Geohazards : Surface and Acoustic Geohazards : Methodology and Acquisition Introduction to Geology

5.3.3. 2.3.3 Geohazards Reporting and Mapping Integration of Data : Land, Nearshore and Offshore Geohazards Analysis and Interpretation Geohazards Survey Data Management Geohazards Reporting and Charting Geohazards Data Application : GIS and Geotechnical

5.3.4. 2.3.4 Geohazards Technology Deepwater Geohazards : Identification and Impact Technology for Deepwater Geohazards High Resolution Seismic for Geohazards Multibeam Data Processing & 4D Visualization

5.4. 2.4 Geomatics in Drilling & Well Support

5.4.1. Wellbore Positioning Data Management

5.4.2. E&P Geospatial Data Integrity: Surface Positioning & Mapping

5.4.3. Geohazards Surveying in Drilling

5.4.4. Offshore/Onshore Positioning

5.5. 2.5 Geomatics Principles

5.5.1. Survey Principles

5.5.2. Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy and Coordinate Reference Systems

5.5.3. Applied Survey Science

5.5.4. Applied Geodesy

5.5.5. Remote Sensing and Raster Data Management

5.6. 2.7 Geoinformation Principles

5.6.1. Geoinformation Principles

5.6.2. Spatial and Non-Spatial Databasing Technologies

5.6.3. Geospatial Analysis for E&P