The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Right and Responsibilities

1.1. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users and the behavioral expectations that come with them

1.2. Appropriate- students cite web sites to go on google to get info for projects

1.3. Inapproiate- when you download things and music with out buying it

2. Digital Health and Wellness

2.1. The elements of physical and psychologial well - being related to digital technology use

2.2. Appropraite - is when you are only on for an hour and you go outside and do things with friends

2.3. Inappropraite- is when you are on the computer or your phone all day and you dont go outside or hangout with friends

3. Digital Security

3.1. The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safty and the security

3.2. Appropraite- is when you put passwords and other things that you put on the web

3.3. Inappropraite- is where they can take anything off the web and they steal it and they wont get caught

4. Digital Communication

4.1. The electronic exchange of information.

4.2. Appropriate- Students only use digital communication devices when they will not interrupt what is going on in the school or classroom.

4.3. Inappropriate- Students leave ringers on high volume and keep their phones on during class time.

5. Digital Commerce

5.1. The buying and selling of goods online.

5.2. Appropriate- Students are informed consumers so that they can safely purchase items online.

5.3. Inappropriate- Students purchase goods online without knowing how to protect their identity.

6. Digital Law

6.1. The legal and restrictions governing technology use

6.2. Appropriate - It is when you need a security to keep everything safe

6.3. Inappropraite - When you have no password and people can get to your things so easy

7. Digital Access

7.1. Full electronic participation in society.

7.2. Appropriate- Technology opportunities for all students within schools.

7.3. Inappropraite- Ignore digital needs of various groups or fail to accommodate students who do not have access to technology.

8. Digital Etiquette

8.1. The standards of conductexpected by other digital technology users.

8.2. Appropriate- When communicating, users learn the rules before becoming involved or using technology

8.3. Inappropriate- Students communicate without checking out the rules or using technology.

9. Digital Literacy

9.1. The capabillitly to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it

9.2. Appropraite- when you communicating with other people on the web

9.3. Inappropraite- is when students dont check the rules when they talk to people online