The 9 Elements Of Digital Citizenship

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The 9 Elements Of Digital Citizenship by Mind Map: The 9 Elements Of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Right and Responsibilities

1.1. The privileges and freedoms exteded to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them.

1.2. Students cite web sites they use for a project.

1.3. Students don't cite web sites they used.

2. Digital Health and Wellness

2.1. The element of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

2.2. Students limit there time on the computer.

2.3. Students stay up to late on the computer.

3. Digital Security

3.1. The precautions theat all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

3.2. Students make sure virus protection is updated.

3.3. Students don't update virus protection and firewalls.

4. Digital Literacy

4.1. The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.

4.2. Students find new ways to use digital technologies.

4.3. Students are given resources they can't get to out of the classroom.

5. Digital Law

5.1. The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use.

5.2. Students understand what can't be downloaded for free and what can.

5.3. Students don't cite web sites they used.

6. New node

7. New node

8. Digital Access

8.1. Full electronic participation in society.

8.2. All students within schools should have the opportunity to use technology.

8.3. Digital needs of many groups are often to be ignored.

9. Digital Commerce

9.1. The buying and selling of goods online.

9.2. Students are considered informed consumers since they know the correct and safe way to buy items online.

9.3. Students purchase their needs online without knowing their identity is available.

10. Digital Communication

10.1. The electronic exchange of information.

10.2. It would not be considered disruptive if students used digital communication during class if given permission or if it is being used at an appropriate time.

10.3. Students text during class and when they recieve a message, their volume is at a high note.

11. Digital Etiquette

11.1. The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users.

11.2. Students learn the rules of communication before getting involve or connecting with others.

11.3. Students do not know the rules of communication but they communicate anyway.