Knowledge Management
by Gavin Stokes

1. Role Out Paths
1.1. Champion
1.2. Rewards
1.3. Depts
1.3.1. HR+IT
1.3.2. Georaphically Dispersed
1.3.3. Leadership Change
1.4. Embed in the Business Process
1.5. People Directory
1.6. Open Q&A
2. Perspectives (Structure Vs Freedom)
2.1. Objectivist
2.1.1. Positivism
2.1.2. Conduit Model
2.1.3. Codification
2.2. Practice Based
2.2.1. Social
2.2.2. Cultural
2.2.3. Networks/COP/NOP Common purpose Communication Coordinator Autonomy
2.2.4. Contestable
2.2.5. embedded
2.2.6. Knowledge is dispersed
3. Influencing organisational factors
3.1. Knowledge process
3.2. Labour market
3.3. Market/competition
3.4. Business strategy
3.5. Character of product
3.6. IT/HR strategy
3.7. Business strategy
4. Sociotechnical theory
4.1. linear & Non linear relationships
4.2. system's performance.
5. Types of Users
5.1. Passive
5.2. Minimal active
5.3. Collaborative active
6. Core Elements
6.1. Trust
6.1.1. Buy in from senior management
6.1.2. Shared Identity
6.2. Altruism
6.2.1. Willingness to share
6.3. Desire to learn
6.3.1. curiosity
6.4. Reciprocity
7. Types of Organisational Knowledge
7.1. Spender 1995
7.1.1. Collective
7.1.2. Objecectfied
7.1.3. Automatic
7.1.4. Conscious
7.2. Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995
7.2.1. Tacit
7.2.2. Explicit