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The Learner by Mind Map: The Learner

1. Numeracy

1.1. Provide opportunities for students to make connections through

1.2. Teaching Strategies

1.2.1. Discussion

1.2.2. Manipulatives

1.2.3. Reflection

1.2.4. Problem Solving

1.2.5. E-Learning

1.2.6. Group Work

1.2.7. Differentiated Teacher Support

1.2.8. Explicit Teaching

1.2.9. Scaffolding

1.3. Numeracy teaching is dependent on

1.4. Teacher Knowledge

1.4.1. Content

1.4.2. Planning

1.4.3. Mathematics Developmental Continuum P–10

1.4.4. Differentiated teacher support

1.4.5. Mathematical Language

1.5. Student Skills

1.5.1. Higher Order Thinking

1.5.2. Problem Solving Strategies

1.5.3. Represent and model problems / equations

1.5.4. Fluency

1.5.5. Automatic Recall

1.5.6. Reasoning

1.5.7. Understanding

1.6. Strands

1.6.1. Number and Algebra

1.6.2. Measurement and Geometry

1.6.3. Statistics and Probability

2. Curriculum

2.1. Victorian Curriculum (F-10)

2.2. Australian Curriculum (ACARA)

2.2.1. General Capabilities

2.2.2. Achievement Standards

2.3. cam be taught through a range of curriculum models including:

2.3.1. inquiry-based curriculum

2.3.2. integrated curriculum

2.4. often has a

2.4.1. cross-disciplinary focus,

2.5. curriculum documents

2.5.1. outline intended learning outcomes

2.6. should be understood as a range of factors which make up what students learn as part of the curriculum

2.7. details content knowledge

2.7.1. can be taught and learnt in various ways

3. will learn content outlined in the

4. relates to

5. Learning Environment

5.1. the teacher creates a certain learning environment and is influenced by their pedagogical beliefs

5.1.1. the learning environment can be open plan integrated supportive structured

5.2. can facilitate

5.2.1. independant learning

5.2.2. group work through the organisation of the room

5.2.3. interdisciplinary skills including problem solving, reasoning and creative thinking

5.2.4. a supportive and safe learning environment

5.2.5. culturally inclusive learning environment

6. can be impacted in various ways by the

7. Planning

7.1. content-based approach

7.2. experience-based approach

7.3. outcomes-based approach

7.4. must be designed to suit the needs of individual students

7.4.1. and promote engagement and different perspectives

7.5. should promote skills such as

7.5.1. reasoning

7.5.2. critical thinking

7.5.3. creative thinking

7.5.4. problem solving

7.6. depends on knowing the students

7.6.1. and the context in which learning takes place

7.7. an effective method of planning is the backward approach where intended learning objectives create the basis of planning

7.8. must be critically reflective and

7.8.1. flexible

8. learns through effective

9. will learn a range of topic areas including

10. Include but are not limited to

10.1. Instructional Model

10.2. Critical Pedagogy

10.3. Student-centered learning

10.4. Modern Pedagogy

10.5. Integrated Learning

10.6. Inquiry Learning

10.7. Differentiated Instruction

10.8. Experiential Learning

10.9. Constructivism

10.10. Authentic Pedagogy

11. is monitored to provide ongoing feedback through

12. Learning Theories

12.1. Bronfenbrenner's Social Ecological Model

12.2. Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

12.3. Social Constructivism

12.4. Contemporary Learning Theory

12.5. Behaviourism

12.6. Cognitivism

12.7. Vygotsky's Social Development Theory

12.8. Transformative Learning Theory

12.9. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory

12.10. Project-based learning

12.11. Place-based learning

12.12. Aesthetic Learning and Questioning

12.13. Progressive Learning Theory

12.14. Contemporary Learning Theory

12.15. identify the way in which students learn and aim to facilitate student learning

13. Assessment

13.1. Standardized Testing

13.1.1. NAPLAN

13.2. Reporting

13.3. diagnostic assessment

13.3.1. will be used during my placement to evaluate students knowledge and gain an understanding of their abilities

13.4. Formative

13.4.1. teachers use inferences about student progress to inform their teaching

13.4.2. formal formal assessment can be used in reporting

13.4.3. informal Informal assessment is designed to give students feedback on their progress

13.5. Summative

13.5.1. teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards

13.6. Assessment tools

13.6.1. MOI Mathematics Online Interview

13.6.2. FDOI Fractions and Decimals Online Interview

13.6.3. Running Records

13.6.4. Observation

13.7. understanding learning as an ongoing process.

13.8. Assessment and planning are closely linked

13.9. Assessment is an important tool for me to utilise during my placement experience in order to evaluate the effectiveness of my planning and execution of lessons

13.10. allows the teacher to discover effective strategies that can assist the student in becoming successful

14. Identity

14.1. Culture

14.2. Family

14.3. Background and experiences

14.4. Nationality

14.5. Class

14.6. Race

14.7. Gender

14.8. Place of birth

14.9. Community

14.10. Language

14.11. Friends / Peers

14.12. Location

15. may be facilitated through implementation of certain:

16. can benefit through their teachers use of certain

17. can be better understood and catered for when understanding different aspects related to

18. Pedagogy

18.1. relates to the practice of teaching

18.1.1. where professional identity is constantly evolving

18.2. Pedagogical decisions can create a supportive classroom environment

18.2.1. by using avariety of teaching strategies

18.3. can facilitate meaningful learning, interactions and relationships