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EportFolio Plan by Mind Map: EportFolio Plan

1. Home

1.1. Introduction To Website

1.2. What Website Is About

2. Media

2.1. Unit 1: Research

2.1.1. Bibme Research

2.2. Unit 2: Communication

2.2.1. Presentation Evaluation

2.3. Unit 3: Industry

2.3.1. Industry Stixy

2.3.2. Industry Popplet

2.4. Unit 4: Audiences

2.4.1. My Media Consumption and CARGEL

2.4.2. BARB

2.4.3. Poster Review

2.4.4. Broadcast/ Narrowcast

2.5. Unit 9: Photography

2.5.1. Photogram

2.5.2. Pinhole

2.5.3. Iphonography

2.5.4. Ipadography

2.5.5. Tallis Moves Photographs From Tallis Moves Edited Photographs From Tallis Moves Evaluation

2.6. Unit 10: Animation

2.6.1. Animation

2.6.2. Animation Evaluation

2.6.3. Animation Questionaire

2.6.4. Animation Timeline

2.6.5. Animation Plan

2.7. Unit 11: Web Authoring

2.7.1. Web Authoring Research

2.7.2. Web Authoring Evaluation

2.7.3. Website Plan

2.7.4. Web Authoring Feedback

2.8. Unit 21: Creative Media Creative Major Production Project

2.8.1. FMP Proposal

2.8.2. FMP Production Log RSS FEED

2.8.3. Research Page Idea Research

2.8.4. Calender

2.8.5. FMP Website

2.8.6. FMP Evaluation

3. About Me

3.1. Interests

3.1.1. Books

3.1.2. Music

4. Assessment

5. Blog

6. Link Page

7. Feedback

8. Contact