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Tara's ePortfolio by Mind Map: Tara's ePortfolio

1. Links

1.1. Twitter

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Facebook

1.3. Polyvore

1.4. Tumblr

1.5. Flickr

1.6. Pixlr

1.7. Weebly

2. Media Class

2.1. Animation

2.1.1. New node

2.2. Photography

2.2.1. New node

2.3. Film studies

3. Home

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Hyperlinks to main pages

3.3. Purpose of ePortfolio

3.3.1. New node

4. Interests

4.1. Music

4.1.1. Spotify

4.1.2. Itunes

4.1.3. Youtube

4.2. Art

4.2.1. Blogspot

4.2.2. Polyvore

4.2.3. Flickr

4.2.4. Pixlr

4.2.5. Photoshop