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ADDIE by Mind Map: ADDIE

1. Develop: Having decided on the core of the content, follow through on design by iteratively creating all materials and activities needed for the course. Come out with developed course content elements.

1.1. Create a sample of instructional materials

1.1.1. Based on instructional strategy developed in design phase

1.1.2. Get feedback from any stakeholders

1.2. Develop course materials

1.2.1. Use sample instruction as starting point and feedback received on it

1.2.2. Each element should be developed to match the design phase

1.2.3. Check copyrights and get clearance

1.2.4. Load content onto website or LMS

1.3. Conduct a run-through

1.3.1. Do a real-time rehearsal with some guinea pigs with all materials and media

1.3.2. Stay in time constraints

1.3.3. Get feedback

2. Implement: Prepare instructor, learner and learning space for instruction to take place and then deliver instruction as planned. Come out with course live in LMS and learners start to take and complete course.

2.1. Train instructor

2.1.1. On instruction planned, including objectives, activities, media, and assessments

2.2. Prepare learners

2.2.1. Ascertain what tools and knowledge are needed

2.2.2. May include prereqs, orientation, letting them know when/where the course will take place, what materials they need to provide

2.3. Arrange the learning space

2.3.1. Have materials ready, print handouts

2.3.2. Know what tech is available

2.3.3. Test multimedia equipment in the learning space

2.3.4. If online, set up delivery options – who enrolls, how much time they have, passmarks for assessments, collection of feedback

2.4. Provide help and support as needed

3. Evaluate: Did we meet the goals? Collect feedback and data to assess each step along the way to understand what is working and then make improvements and retest. At the end of the instructional experience, assess cumulative impact. Come out of this phase with evaluation report and actionable changes for the current or future courses.

3.1. Formative assessments. Can take the form of an interview or surveys. Make assessment questions clear, consistent, objective. Conducted at each step of the process, for each activity.

3.1.1. 1:1 – test with one person, ask questions about effectiveness of clarity, impact (is it helpful for reaching objectives of the class?), feasibility (how practical is it?)

3.1.2. Small group (should represent participants of the course) – make improvements, then test with small group. Ask how effective are the changes? How well do activities work in a group setting?

3.1.3. Field trial – again make improvements and then do a real time rehearsal in a setting similar to instructional setting.Again assess clarity, impact and feasibility. Ask: Was instruction interesting? Did you understand what you were supposed to learn? Were materials directly related to objectives? Were there sufficient practice exercises? Did tests measure knowledge of the objectives? Did you receive sufficient feedback? Now you are ready to deliver instruction

3.2. Summative assessments can take the form of achievement tests, performance tests, or questionnaires. Use Kirkpatrick model to prove worth of instruction.

3.2.1. Did participants react positively? Document reaction Write statements and have students do agree/disagree likert scale. Eg, “objectives were clear.” “Activities fit the goals.” “Instruction was clear and easy to understand.” Also, more specific reaction to instructor, activities, assessments, A/Vs: “Video was helpful.” “Activities helped me.” “Instructor was kind and treated me with respect.” Etc.

3.2.2. Did participants learn the skills taught in the program? Can ask open ended questions re strengths/weaknesses Post test to see how well students achieved objectives Knowledge: achievement tests Skills: performance tests Attitude: questionnaires

3.2.3. Did participants’ behavior change? Measure transfer of knowledge, skills, attitudes from training context to performance setting/real life

3.2.4. Did the change in behavior have positive effects? How well training affected outcomes

4. Analyze: Undertake a full inventory of the situation. Come out with analysis of needs and plan.

4.1. Ask questions to understand the current situation

4.2. Articulate instructional goal

4.2.1. Exactly what knowledge, skills, behaviors and/or attitudes do learners need to learn

4.3. Analyze steps and substeps needed to carry out instructional goals

4.3.1. All the content and moves needed to get the learner across the goal line

4.4. Analyze steps and sub-steps needed to carry out instructional goals

4.4.1. All the content and moves needed to get the learner across the goal line

4.4.2. What resources are required and available (including media)

4.5. Analyze learner characteristics

4.5.1. Learners’ prior knowledge

4.5.2. Find out their learning styles and/or personality types

4.5.3. What are learner characteristics

5. Design: Take the learnings of the previous phase and use it to make practical decisions. Identify learning objectives, create instructional strategy. Come out with an overview of course design and storyboards.

5.1. Establish learning objectives (and/or performance outcomes)

5.1.1. What should students be able to do when the instruction is completed, or what knowledge, skills or attitudes the learners should have attained

5.1.2. Use Bloom’s Taxonomy

5.1.3. Objectives should specify behavior, condition and standard

5.2. Design assessments/or identify assessment instruments

5.2.1. Design this first

5.2.2. How might students be tested how successful they are in knowledge, attitudes and skill development goals?

5.2.3. Influenced by four things: Goals and objectives What we know about learners Context should be as close to performance setting as possible Assessment should be clear, correct, not tricky

5.3. Instructional strategy

5.3.1. Determine content: topics to be covered and how much time will be spent on each

5.3.2. Identify learning activities and exercises to be used: pre-instruction, content presentation, learner participation, assessment and follow through activities. Each should be aligned with course goal and objectives Preinstruction activities Motivate students (show how it benefits them, what they get out of it) Illustrate course objectives (helps them to organize components of instruction and how they will apply knowledge) Content presentation Can include lecture, reading Concise Stick to objectives Include examples Learner participation Can include activity, discussion, project Practice a task and give feedback Assessment Final assessment Practice assessment Attitude assessment – how felt about exercise Follow through activities Review of entire course strategy with the view of helping students to internalize and apply instruction after course is over

5.3.3. Select media Decide on selection and use of technology, such as lms, video or social media

5.3.4. Next storyboard ideas and create a prototype What will be covered in text, audio and video?