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Sea Turtles by Mind Map: Sea Turtles

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2. New node

3. Physical Characteristics

3.1. Male and females are the same size

3.2. Blake Sea Turtles reach 23-46 inches 93-278 lbs.

3.3. Smallest are Kemps ridley and Olive ridley that reach only around 22-30 inches and 66-110 lbs.

3.4. Large streamlined shell and nonretractile head and limbs

3.4.1. New node New node

3.5. Green Sea Turtles reach 31-44 inches 150-410 lbs.

3.6. Range in color between olive-green, yellow, greenish-brown, or black.

3.7. non-retracted limbs

3.8. Flippers for swimming -Fore flippers long and paddle like -Hind flippers used for a rudder

3.9. Large eyelids for eye protection

3.10. no external ear opening

3.11. No teeth

4. Hatching and Hatchlings

4.1. Incubation time 45-70 days

4.2. Takes 3-7 days for the turtles to dig there way to the surface

4.3. They have a temporary tooth called a caruncle that allows them to get out of the shell of the egg

4.4. Hatch during the summer months

4.5. They make there way out to the sea during the night

4.6. There are 60-200 eggs laid in ever clutch or group of eggs.

5. New node

6. Diet/ Eating Habits

6.1. sea grass

6.2. algae

6.3. differs between species

6.4. Herbivorous -most are

6.4.1. meaning plant eating

6.5. Some are carnivorous

6.5.1. meaning meat eating

6.6. Some eat both omnivorous

6.7. Part of the super family of Chelonioidea

7. Habitat

7.1. warm seas

7.1.1. New node

7.2. shallow coastal waters

7.3. bays

7.3.1. body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf.

7.4. lagoons

7.4.1. an area of shallow water separated form the sea by low sandy dunes.

7.5. estuaries

7.5.1. part of the mouth or lower course of a river in which the river's current meets the sea's tide

8. Fun Facts

8.1. one of earth most ancient animals

8.2. there are 7 different species

8.3. Flatback Sea Turtles are on the endangered species list

8.4. The temp. of the sand determines the sex of the eggs. the warmer the sand the more females there will be.

8.5. Adult males never come to shore

8.6. They have a great sense of smell

9. New node