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Renewable Energy por Mind Map: Renewable Energy

1. Most Common

1.1. Solar

1.2. Hydro

1.3. Wind

1.4. Geothermal

1.5. Biomass

2. Energy Consumed by humans

2.1. Petroleum 37%

2.2. Coal 15%

2.3. Natural Gas 29%

2.4. Nuclear 9%

2.5. Renewable Energy 10%

3. Sources that naturally respendish themself

4. Pros & Cons

4.1. Upsides

4.1.1. Decrease Pollution

4.1.2. Combats Climate Change

4.1.3. Reliable Source Of Powerc

4.2. Downsides

4.2.1. Generate Power on Smaller Scale

4.2.2. Can Disrupt Wildlife and Migration Patterns

4.2.3. Power Can Be Intermittent

5. Leading Countries in Renewable Energy

5.1. Denmark

5.2. United Kindom

5.3. Germany

5.4. Scotland

5.5. Ireland

6. Major Bussines Power By Renewable Energy

6.1. Intel

6.2. Kohl's

6.3. Apple

6.4. NHL

6.5. Wallmart