Cardiac Diseases
by Rob Newton
1. AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction
1.1. Chest pain a common symptom
1.2. felt beneath sternum
1.3. Desc: Heavy, squeezing, crushing or tight
1.4. Clenched fist
1.5. Radiating pain (to arms)
1.6. Mistaken for indigestion
1.7. Not always pain in the chest
1.8. Nausea
1.9. Light headedness
1.10. indigestion
1.11. Sudden weakness or tiredness
1.12. Symptoms often ingnored
2. RVF - Right Ventricular Failure
2.1. peripheral oedema (in legs and feet)
2.2. secondary to LVF
2.3. days or weeks to reverse
3. Typcial presentation (AMI)
3.1. Apprehension
3.2. Ashen-grey pallor, cold, wet skin
3.3. looks scared
3.4. rapid pulse
3.5. hypotension (decreased blood pressure)
4. Angina Pectoris
4.1. Stable / Chronic Stable Angina
4.1.1. predictable pattern
4.1.2. predictable location
4.1.3. predictable intensity
4.1.4. predictable duration
4.1.5. GTN taken to relieve symptoms
4.2. Unstable
4.2.1. Indicates greater degree of obstruction
4.2.2. Noticeable changes in frequency etc.
4.2.3. Often occurs without predictable stress
5. LVF - Left Ventricular Failure
5.1. Symptoms
5.1.1. Extreme restlessness
5.1.2. Confusion
5.1.3. Severe dyspnoea (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea - PND)
5.1.4. Tachypnoea
5.1.5. Bradycardia
5.1.6. Elevated blood pressure (hypertension)?
5.1.7. Crackles and possibly wheezes
5.1.8. Frothy, pink sputum