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SWOT Analysis por Mind Map: SWOT Analysis

1. Strengths

1.1. Music

1.1.1. Producing - On both DAW and producing with a band, i am able to communicate with artists as well as be creative and constructive

1.1.2. Live Sound - working on live sound managing the mixing desk working with artists

1.1.3. Organisation - being organised as a part of a team when planning an event, or when doing personal written work for projects

1.1.4. Teamwork - working with others, which includes artists and or team mates who are part of an organising team

1.1.5. Creativity - being creative with unique thoughts and or points of view when working with external artists or for personal projects

1.2. Other

1.2.1. Communicative

1.2.2. Motivated

1.2.3. Timewise

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Can lose track of focus/ get sidetracked when multiple jobs are going on at any particular time

2.2. Struggle with short/limited time frames

2.3. Not strong with lighting or projection of stage themes

3. Opportunities

3.1. Industry expansion will allow space from new jobs in new specialist areas

3.2. University

3.3. Apprenticeship/Straight Into Employment

3.4. Expansion means more companies locally to many areas

4. Threats

4.1. Finances - not being able to fund going to university; accommodation and student loan fees

4.2. Personal Income - not being able to afford software such as FL Studios or compatible computers and suitable studio equipment to supply this area of study

4.3. Limited opportunities in the local area [Lincolnshire]

5. Ambitions:

6. 0