How could Ultranet help you and your classes?

A collaborative mindmap prepared by the staff at Central Hawke's Bay College, exploring how we might use the Ultranet server to facilitate learning.

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How could Ultranet help you and your classes? por Mind Map: How could Ultranet help you and your classes?

1. Organise Course Information

1.1. Set assessment tasks

1.1.1. Students submit completed work for marking

1.1.2. Monitor student progress

1.2. Collate student self-assessments

1.2.1. Plan differentiated learning on student-generated data

2. Provide media-rich lesson content

3. Provide assistance in the holidays from home using the discussion forums

4. Provide access to other web-based learning tools (eg: Quizlet)

5. Host Youtube vids (save downloading)

6. Showcase exemplary student work

6.1. Make exemplars available to students

7. Foster community with image galleries and discussion forums

7.1. Bring parents into the learning equation

8. Facilitate learning outside of normal classroom boundaries