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Tallis TV Episode by Mind Map: Tallis TV Episode

1. Outline: Teacher, Tom DW, explains the fundamentals of some of the extreme sports he enjoys. Pro's and Con's: - Interesting to the target audience - Explains activities that students could take up as hobbies ------------------- - Not connected to school or its community - Interviews are dependant on the Teachers Schedule Constraints: - Interviews are dependant on the Teachers Schedule Write how you organised the making of this, planning forms, we contacted teachers involved and tom responded.

1.1. Extreme Sports with Tom

2. Multi-Cultral Tallis

2.1. Outline: A segment that is dedicated to showing the multicultural community within the school. Pro's and Con's: - Relevant to the school and it's community. - Promotes multiculturalism - Demotes racism -------------------- - Potentially uninteresting to the target audience - Interviews will most likely be needed, some may not consent to the use of their footage - The topic of racism is a rather sensitive one to some, consider what will be said and be sure that it does not offend. Constraints: - Interviews may not have consent to be used by the ones interviewed

3. Fashion Show Song

3.1. Outline: A segment of the episode where the Fashion show that was filmed/organised in school is briefly explained and a clip will be shown. Pro's and Con's: - Based upon the school community and its actions within school - Entertaining - Completely school organised and produced ---------------------- - The people within the film may object to their footage being used - Not very educational Constraints: - The people within the film may object to their footage being used - Since the clip is pre-filmed, not much editing or alteration will be necessary, which means that our input will be limited and marks will be hard to award

4. Overview

4.1. Legal and Ethical/Rules: - The Royal Borough of Greenwich states that all community broadcasts must contain subtitles for the hearing impaired - Must abide by the schools ethos - Must promote equality and diversity - Upon joining the school, students sign a form stating that their image can be used in school community videos. Make a list of all the people featured and ask them all if they consent to the footage - Must consider the reputation of the school

5. Jack's Facts: 5 Minutes you won't get back

5.1. Outline: I (Jack Bennett) will recite a few facts to the camera, that may or may not be interesting to others. These facts will be on a multitude of subjects from history to astronomy and entomology. Pro's and Con's: - Educational - Original - Interesting - Fills time - Simple and Easy to produce ---------------------- - Potentially uninteresting to our target audience - Irrelevant to school and/or activities within - A green screen may be required Constraints: - The use of green screen: - Little Practise - Could come out fuzzy - Could be already booked out - If this segment were to prove unpopular with the target audience, we would be left with a time gap to fill. - Fellow group members repeated absence (Elliot and Jacq) - Some subjects of the facts may be inappropriate for the target audiences. E.g. facts about murder, violent history or religion Legal and Ethical: - There are not many legal issues involved with this segment because I will be the only one featured in it and I give my consent to the filming and distributing of this content - Use of images (most likely from Google) will be copyrighted material. Copyright Issues: - Potencial use of copyrighted material for Intro/Outro graphics

6. Who to look out for in the Olympics

6.1. Outline: A segment dedicated to informing people on who to look out for when watching the Olympics, such as Usain Bolt. Pro's and Con's: - A popular topic among the target audience - Interesting - Simple to produce ---------------------- - Clips of the athletes will be needed, which ventures us into the land of copyright laws Constraints: - The clips or pictures of the athletes would most likely breach copyright - An intro and outro may be needed Legal and Ethical: - Potencial copyright troubles Copyright Issues: - Images and clips used for the segment

7. Research of past Episodes: - Very formal, mid shot behind desk - Becomes more relaxed - Deaf support was a big part, use of subtitles - Interviews