Designing Powerful Professional Development for Teachers and Principals

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Designing Powerful Professional Development for Teachers and Principals 저자: Mind Map: Designing Powerful Professional Development for Teachers and Principals

1. D. Sparks (2002) NSCD

2. 8. The Development of Principals and Teacher Leaders

3. 9. Focus Teacher Development on Student LEarning

4. 10. Continuous Improvement of Teaching and Learning

5. 11. Look for Root Causes

6. 12. Lead for Transformation in Professional Learning

7. 13. The Power of What we Think

8. 14. Create Schools in Which Everyone's Job is to Learn

9. 1. The Case for Powerful Professional Learning

10. 2. Stretch Goals, Deep Change, and a Compelling Vision

11. 3. A Compelling Vision for Professional Learning

12. 4. Develop the System to Improve Learning

13. 5. School System Responsibilities

14. 7. School Leadership

15. 6. A Goal for District Action: All Schools as Professional Learning Communities