Michigan Educational Technology Standards—Grades 9-12


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Michigan Educational Technology Standards—Grades 9-12 by Mind Map: Michigan Educational Technology Standards—Grades 9-12

1. Communication and Collaboration

1.1. 9-12.CC.2. use available technologies (e.g., desktop conferencing, e-mail, videoconferencing, instant messaging) to communicate with others on a class assignment or project

1.1.1. Have students share lab data with other groups via email so they can compare their data to the whole class data for evaluation for their conclusion

2. Creativity and Innovation

2.1. 9-12.CI.1. apply advanced software features (e.g. built-in thesaurus, templates, styles) to redesign the appearance of word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations

2.1.1. Have students use a copy of a lab report handout that has been saved on the network drive and their lab data to write a lab report using Microsoft Word's formal lab report outline template. Students should use the thesaurus along with the style options to be more creative in writing their lab report.

3. Research and Information Literacy

3.1. 9-12.RI.4. distinguish between fact, opinion, point of view, and inference

3.1.1. Have students use clickers to answer Turning Point questions differentiating facts, opinions, points of view, and inferences from each other

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

4.1. 9-12.CT.1. use digital resources (e.g., educational software, simulations, models) for problem solving and independent learning

4.1.1. Have students use Vernier software and probes to complete a relationship between volume and pressure lab

5. Digital Citizenship

5.1. 9-12.DC.5. create appropriate citations for resources when presenting research findings

5.1.1. Have the students do element reports using Citation Maker to make their bibliography. http://www.openc.k12.or.us/citeintro/citeintro.php?Grd=Sec

6. Technology Operations and Concepts

6.1. 9-12.TC.2. use an online tutorial and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of this method of learning

6.1.1. Have students go to ChemTutor and select reactions to work through the online tutorial. Once they are done have them write a summary of their experience explaining the benefits and disadvantages of learning in this style. http://www.chemtutor.com/