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1. Characteristics of High Performance Teams

1.1. Set a clear and challenging direction

1.2. motivated to work hard to accomplish goals.

1.3. Turn a general sense of purpose into specific objectives

1.4. Set standards for measuring results and obtain feedback

1.5. right mix of technical, problem-solving and interpersonal skills

2. team communications be improved

2.1. team interaction patterns and communication networks must be aligned with interaction patterns and team tasks

2.2. Centralized

2.3. Decentralized

2.4. Restrictive

3. Teams make decisions by choosing from alternative actions.

3.1. Decision by lack of response

3.2. Decision by authority rule

3.3. Decision by minority rule

3.4. Decision by minority rule

3.5. chest pain, rapid heartbeat

3.6. insomnia

4. Stages of Team Development

4.1. Forming stage

4.2. Storming stage

4.3. Norming stage

4.4. Performing stage

4.5. Adjourning stage

5. definition

5.1. when team members accept and live up to their collective accountability by actively working together so that all their respective skills are best used to achieve team goals.

6. team processes be improved

6.1. Distributed leadership

6.2. Task activities

6.3. Maintenance activities

7. Team Building Process

7.1. Problem or opportunity in team effectiveness

7.2. Data gathering and analysis

7.3. Planning for team improvement

7.4. Actions to improve team functioning

7.5. Evaluation of results

8. Effective teams achieve high levels of

8.1. Task performance

8.2. Members satisfaction

8.3. Team viability

9. Team challenges

9.1. Social loafing

9.2. Members satisfaction

9.3. Team viability