US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. President Johnson was recorded in a telephone conversation saying he doesn't know if Vietnam is worth it and is very unsure about it. This got out to the public and they now even more did not support the war. This then leads to soldiers not wanting to fight and protests.The US lesson learned is that the president should do what he thinks is best and not focus only on political gains. It is also learned that if information about a president questioning a war, the public will even more not support a war. The US can next time try to be more concealing and help the president to do what is best.

2. WW!/1920s

2.1. New technology cam change the ways wars are fought.

2.2. When technology lets us be connected like the radio lets the country be more connected and the country is more united.

3. 1920s/WW1

3.1. Prohibition- 1.Making laws that are unpopular are ineffective. 2.Creating laws that ban things people want/are addicted to creates gangs and a black market. It is costly for the government and gives money to people in the drug industry.

4. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

4.1. 1920s/WW1

4.1.1. Immigration/ Harlem Renaissance- 1. Immigrants like to live in a common area for immigrants with other immigrants that brings diversity to our country.

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. Countries may not know the real reasons people are migrating to them

5. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

5.1. Great Depression

5.1.1. We saw with Hoover and Roosevelt that Democratic presidents are better when the economy is good, and republicans are better when the economy is good.

5.2. WW2

5.2.1. A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped agessively

5.2.2. Having an enemy become an ally promote competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war

5.2.3. Leaders who fight until the last man are challenging to defeat

5.3. Jfk-great society

5.3.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, debt will increase.

5.3.2. Television changes the outcome of elections because how the candidate appears effects people's views.

5.4. Assasinations

5.4.1. Just because you kill the leader, doesnt mean the idea will die

5.5. JFK

5.5.1. When a tough decision arouses you need to fully sit back and think. Need to compromise

5.6. vietnam war

6. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

6.1. Great Depression

6.1.1. The New Deal shows how governments can interfere to get countries out of economic crises but it comes with debt. And takes away workers from businesses.

6.1.2. During bad times people's political views will turn more radical.

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. When there is a totalitarian government it leads to conflict.

6.3. Vietnam War

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. WW2

7.1.1. New powerful weapons can quickly end wars

7.2. Cold War

7.2.1. When there are weapons of mass destruction, countries are very afraid to go to war.

7.2.2. When a country descovers a new technology or possibility of a new technology, everyone races to get it as well.

8. When the working class got paid more and worked less, they had more leisure time/free time.

9. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

9.1. World War 1

9.1.1. Forming Allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

9.1.2. After a war, a fair/effective treaty should be a established to create peace in the future

9.1.3. Creating a group like the league of nations is not effective if the country that made it isn't part of it.

9.2. WW2

9.2.1. Treaty of Versailles-when there are unfair treaties that dump blame on other countries, it creates tension that leads to conflict.

9.2.2. MAGNETT-Militarism, Allies, Great Depression, nationalism, Expansion, Totalitarianism, Treaty of Vesialles

9.3. Great Depression

9.4. Cold WAr

9.4.1. NAto- Countries are afraid to go to a direct war or attack places when there are treaties that say an attack on one, is an attack on all.

9.5. Vietnam War

9.5.1. The leader of North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh was loved by his people and almost viewed as a savior. Ho Chi Minh was communist although but wanted support and liked the US. Diem was the leader for South vietnam that the US backed and he was hated by people. A Monk burnt themselves to death publicly protesting Diem. This was what was wrong with Vietnam because if the South vietmanese hated their leader and the North would die for theirs, the North thrived under this leadership and was a lot better than South Vietnam. The US learns to not back hated leaders and go against ones who are loved because it is really hard to overthrow a leader who is loved and promote one that no one likes even if it spreads communism.

9.5.2. The US was in a war that Americans did not support and neither did the soldiers. The soldiers felt that there was no purpose for fighting and they felt as is they were getting nowhere because the enemy would be farmers during the day and fighters at night. The soldiers were mentally tormented by not knowing the enemy and felt like the war was unwise. These soldiers were not evened backed by the american people because most didn't like the war. 30,000 men avoid the war by going to Canada, 20,000 desert the army, and millions avoid it through college. This differs from other wars where going to war was what everyone wanted to do and were eager to do. We learn that a war will not be won if the soldiers and people do not approve of it. The US can learn to make sure the public support a war and soldiers will not flee from it before getting into it.

9.5.3. A US boat was shot at my a vietnamese boat on august 2nd. They were not attacked on august 4th but were claimed to be and made the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which made it ok to fight. There are also conversations before this showing the the presidential advisor advises the president to invade Vietnam and the president saying he is unsure if he should invade vietnam all before they claimed to be attacked. The lesson is that wars that are made on false claims and when the president is unsure of a war are hard to win and should be avoided. The Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare and would pretend to be innocent farmers during the day, but were soldiers at night. Being farmers by day protected them even though they were suspect because american soldiers couldn't just shoot farmers. The North Vietnamese used their resources to fight a good army in america and stood their ground because they used their knowledge of the land too their advantage like hiding in trees. These elements made soldiers very frustrated because it was difficult to have a target and annoying to have farmers near you who shot at you last night. Soldiers eventually broke down and the My Lai massacre occurred. Us soldiers killed 350 civilians and most were women and children. The lesson learned is that when soldiers are put in a hostile environment for a long period of time and when the enemy fights by night and uses the daytime to be right in front of the soldiers it makes the soldiers not want to fight in the war and makes them go crazy. The US next time can try to avoid putting soldiers in these environments, or giving better training.

10. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

10.1. 1920s

10.1.1. Mass consumption makes america in debt

10.2. Great Depression

10.2.1. When the New Deal was created to fix economic problems, it costs a lot of money and government debt increased

10.2.2. As seen through the stock market, banks should not give loans to poor people who rely on their investments and do not have collateral. Basically when there is more debt there is more economic problems because people get money out of thin air but have to pay it back with interest.

10.2.3. When the distribution of wealth is very unbalanced, the economy fails.

10.2.4. How the banks are doing matches the economy.

10.2.5. If the value of something increases too fast it could form a bubble.

11. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

11.1. 1920s/WW1

11.1.1. during times of war we see civil rights improve(Great Migration)because minorities are used to a greater extent

11.1.2. Women's Rights- Women were able to fight for their rights and become more independent.

11.2. WW2

11.2.1. Disenfranchised groups are needed and wanted during times of connected issue

11.3. Black panthers

11.3.1. violent protesting makes the participants lonely and poor.

11.3.2. If a movement sees not big gains, then radical tactics will be look to.

11.3.3. movements that rise up quickly, go down quickly

11.4. MLK

11.4.1. Peaceful protesting and having violent retaliation draws attention and sympathy form citizens. When a movement conflicts with the normal thinking, it is ahrd to have change

12. Media

12.1. WW2

12.1.1. The media can be used to manipulate people into helping in war efforts.

12.2. Emmit Till

12.2.1. Emmit teills open casket put perspective of how blacks were treated