Garner -METS Grades 6-8

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Garner -METS Grades 6-8 by Mind Map: Garner -METS Grades 6-8

1. Creativity and Innovation

1.1. METS.6-8.CI.3.

1.1.1. Activity: Illustrate a content-related concept using a model, simulation, or concept-mapping software Example: Students will complete an IB Design Cycle project in which they will design and build a bridge. As part of the design cycle, students will be required to pose 4 questions that will be answered through research in order to build their bridge. During the Investigate phase, students will be required to use Inspiration to create a mind map for their 4 research questions.

2. Research and Information Literacy

2.1. METS.6-8.RI.2.

2.1.1. Activity: Evaluate information from online information resources for accuracy and bias Example: Students will complete an IB Design Cycle project in the area of Environments. They must design a final product which will somehow solve or contribute towards an envinronmental issue. The background research for this project will be done online and students will be required to evaluate their information for accuracy and bias

3. Communication and Collaboration

3.1. METS.6-8.CC.1.

3.1.1. Activity: Use digital resources (e.g., discussion groups, blogs, podcasts, videoconferences, Moodle, Blackboard) to collaborate with peers, experts, and other audiences Example: Using Blackboard, students will collaborate on group projects while utilizing the discussion board for communication outside of the classroom.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

4.1. METS.6-8.CT.

4.1.1. Activity: Evaluate available digital resources and select the most appropriate application to accomplish a specific task (e.g., word processor, table, outline, spreadsheet, presentation program) Example: At the end of the year, as a culmination project, students will choose 1 piece of writing from their portfolio and present it to the class. They will the method in which they will present (i.e., PowerPoint, Publisher, Animoto, Inspiration, MindMeister, Word, etc...)

5. Digital Citizenship

5.1. METS.6-8.DC.1.

5.1.1. Activity: Provide accurate citations when referencing information resources Example: After reading Tuck Everlasting, students will research the evolution of an invention of their choice (i.e., telephone, portable music players, cars, etc...). While completing their research, students will learn how to accurately provide citations for their research sources using MLA formatting

6. Technology Operations and Concepts

6.1. METS.6-8.TC.7.

6.1.1. Activity: Use technology to identify and explore various occupations or careers, especially those related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Example: Sutdents will use to identify possible future careers. They will then research top 3 careers and design PowerPoint presentation on their top career choice