U.S. History Lessons Learned

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U.S. History Lessons Learned por Mind Map: U.S. History Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. Working Class in the 1920's

1.1.1. When the working class was paid more but worked less, they had more time for leisure.

1.1.2. When Americans buy more things with credit it can hurt them when they need to use their in money (Great Depression).

1.2. Great Depression

1.2.1. Banks play a large role in a nation's economy, if the banks do poor or fail, the national economy will follow

1.3. Johnson Great Society

1.3.1. When America is fighting in a war, they have to take money from other programs in order to pay for the costly expenses of the war. The Johnson Great Society was created in order to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. However, when America got involved in the war, they had to cut back on spending money to pay for the Johnson Great Society in order to be able to pay for the war.

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. Great Migration/Harlem Renaissance

2.1.1. Immigrants prefer to live in consolidated areas. Whether they are forced or they just prefer it this way, it almost always happens. This brings more cultural diversity in the country.

3. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

3.1. African Americans in World War 1/1920's

3.1.1. During times of war, we always see civil rights improve.

3.2. Women's Progression in the 1920's

3.2.1. Women starting living an independent life and began changing social norms.

3.3. Civil Rights Movement

3.3.1. When a movement changes the status quo, it is very difficult to change people's minds, especially those of older generations.

3.4. Civil Rights Protests

3.4.1. Nonviolent protests can bring attention to events and make impacts without hurting anyone physically.

3.5. Black Panthers

3.5.1. If a movement is not making noticeable progress, it will most likely evolve to a more aggressive tactics.

3.6. Black Panthers

3.6.1. Movements that stand up quickly fall just as quickly.

4. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

4.1. Emmett Till

4.1.1. His open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated.

5. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

5.1. Great Depression

5.1.1. During bad times, people will start to favor more democratic or socialist forms of government.

5.2. Bay of Pigs Invasion

5.2.1. Presidents need to be educated on things happening in politics/the white house before they are put into office.

5.3. LBJ

5.3.1. When a leader is assassinated their successor can use it to their advantage.

5.4. JFK

5.4.1. When a president is faced with a tough decision it is best to stay calm and think it through. It's also best to take into consideration advice given, but form their own opinions. Making compromises are important.

6. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

6.1. Prohibition in the 1920's

6.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce.

6.1.2. When the government tries to ban very popular things, it's not very effective. It's also very costly. Overall, there's not much of an effect.

6.2. Great Depression

6.2.1. During bad times, people's political views will turn more radical.

6.2.2. During bad times, people will start to favor more democratic or socialist forms of government.

6.3. Pearl Harbor

6.3.1. When a country attacks us, we must fight back to show our power and assert ourselves.

6.4. Great Society

6.4.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, debt will increase.

6.5. Vietcong

6.5.1. When a group from a country less developed than the United States is supported by America, it can become more powerful than the government within their country. Diem was the leader of Vietcong who would not have been able to stay in power if the US hadn't backed him. This made Diem very powerful, even more so than some of the people within the government.

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. Improved Quality of Life in 1920's

7.1.1. Communication: the invention of the radio made it possible for people around the nation to listen to the same news. This interconnects us all as a country.

7.1.2. Travel: the upgrades and mass production of cars made it one of the most common ways to travel, so people could go more places.

7.2. World War 1 Warfare

7.3. Nuclear Race/H-Bombs

7.3.1. When there is competition to have more advanced military/technology, there is more threat for a possible attack/bombing.

7.4. Television

7.4.1. Seeing candidates' appearance changes the actions of the elections.

7.5. Interstate Highway System

7.5.1. Technology can make it easier and more efficient for citizens to complete tasks.

7.6. Agent Orange

7.6.1. When new technology is being used in war, it is difficult to foresee its affects and can lead to more harm than intended. Agent Orange was created in order to kill all plant life in order to reveal the enemy. However, no one foresaw its long-term affects on humans: birth defects, cancers, etc.

8. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

8.1. World War 1

8.1.1. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

8.1.2. Forming allies can bring the country into broader conflicts.

8.1.3. After having a big war, an effective treaty needs to be created to create and keep peace

8.1.4. Creating an alliance like the League of Nations is not effective because

8.2. Potsdam Conference

8.2.1. When an alliance is formed with another country, information that is kept secret can result in conflict.

8.3. Great Depression

8.3.1. During bad times, government/countries may be able to focus on international affairs/conflicts.


8.4.1. When all of these causes are present MAGNETT, it is likely to cause conflict

8.5. Domino Theory

8.5.1. The belief that if Vietnam were to fall to communism, its closest neighbors would follow and also fall to communism. This led to America joining the war out of fear that this would become true. The fact the North Vietnam turned to Communism and sided with the Soviet Union, this encouraged the United States to help the South fight and prevent communism from spreading more.

8.6. SEATO

8.6.1. When something very troubling to multiple countries occurs, those countries will often unite and form a treaty to help the situation. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was a treaty similar to NATO. It's goal was to contain the spread of communism within southeast Asia in which the United States and seven other countries took a part in.