Assessment in the PYP Part 2

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Assessment in the PYP Part 2 by Mind Map: Assessment in the PYP   Part 2

1. assesses knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes, action

2. provides feedback on learning process

2.1. fosters critical thinking and self-assessment skills

3. gathers and analyses information on student's performance

3.1. in accordance with the programme standards and practices

4. teacher

4.1. is mindfull of desired outcomes

4.2. employs self-assesment

4.3. employs appropriate techniques

5. includes students, teachers, parents and administrators,

6. summative

6.1. gives the students opportunities to demonstrate what has been learned.

6.2. give teachers and students a clear insight into students’ understanding

7. formative assesment

7.1. information that is used in order to plan the next stage in learning

8. strategies

8.1. observations

8.2. performance assesments

8.3. • keeping records of test/task results.

8.4. • keeping records of test/task results.

8.5. Open-ended tasks Situations

9. Reporting—how we choose to communicate information.

10. process and products of inquiry

10.1. is the student deepening inquiry?

10.2. are they looking for solutions of real problems?

10.3. are they mastering skillls?

10.4. are they working independently and collaboratively?

10.5. are they accumulating knowledge and applying understanding?

11. Assessing—how we discover what the students know and have learned.

12. Recording—how we choose to collect and analyze data.

13. includes

13.1. representative examples of students’ work or performance

13.2. evidence of students’ understanding and thinking

13.3. documenting learning processes of groups and individuals

13.4. engaging students in reflecting on their learning

13.5. students assessing work produced by themselves and by others

13.6. developing clear rubrics

13.7. identifying exemplar student work

13.8. keeping records of test/task results.

14. tolls

14.1. rubrics

14.2. anectdotes

14.3. exemplars

14.4. checklist

14.5. continuums