Patchwork Website HomePage

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Patchwork Website HomePage por Mind Map: Patchwork Website HomePage

1. Story

1.1. Story Blurb

1.1.1. First Chapter

2. Places

2.1. The Scutterfield

2.2. The Prickle Sticks

2.3. The Cardboard Castle

2.4. The Wondering Woods

2.5. The Wayward Plains

2.6. The Concrete Forest

2.7. The Frog Kingdom

3. About The Patchwork

3.1. Website

3.1.1. Storybooks Site

3.1.2. Web 2.0/User Generated Site

3.2. Animated Series

3.3. Storybook

3.4. Art in the Park

3.5. Video Game

4. Bio's

4.1. Mike Gatti

4.1.1. Portfolio Site

4.2. Brendan Willis

4.2.1. Portfolio Site

4.3. Devin Telfer

4.3.1. Portfolio Site

4.4. Kevin Willis

4.5. Candace Lee

4.5.1. Portfolio Site

5. Characters

5.1. Marigold

5.2. RUPH

5.3. Rupert

5.4. Merc The Mercinicle

5.5. Grandpa

5.6. Miss Maple

5.7. Not So Big Bad Wolf

5.8. Flying Guerella Corps

5.9. Lizard Riders

5.10. The Librarian Monks