Teaching, Learning & Development EDUC 5015Q

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Teaching, Learning & Development EDUC 5015Q by Mind Map: Teaching, Learning & Development     EDUC 5015Q

1. Week 5: Making Instructional Decisions

1.1. Blooms Taxonomy

1.2. "If they don't learn the way you teach, teach the way they learn"

1.3. Instructional variables teachers can control

1.3.1. Level of Difficulty

1.3.2. Space

1.3.3. Time

1.3.4. Language

1.3.5. Interpersonal relations (SEL)

1.4. Student Learning Motivators

1.4.1. Challenging and meaningful tasks - innovative

1.4.2. Being able to effectively use learning strategies - self regulation

1.4.3. Having teacher support

1.4.4. Being required to demonstrate knowledge - assessment

1.4.5. Feeling that the teacher cares for them

1.5. Assessment

1.5.1. Diagnostic assessment Starting point for instruction

1.5.2. Linking assessment and instruction Specific learning objective Assessment question Topical unit and lesson plans Instructional method

1.6. Backward Design

1.7. Constructivist

1.7.1. Constructivist Views of Learning Learners active in constructing their own personal knowledge Social negotiating is key Self determination Learning = developing skills to solve problems, think critically, and answer questions

1.7.2. Constructivist-Based Classroom Complex, challenging learning environments Real world situations Social negotiating - collaborative work Multiple means of representation Self-regualted learners Student ownership of learning

1.8. Direct Instruction

1.8.1. Clear learning objectives

1.8.2. Well planned lessons

1.8.3. Explicit teaching

1.8.4. Lots of practice

1.9. Inquiry Based Learning

1.10. Problem Based Learning

1.11. SOI Information Processing Model

1.11.1. Select relevant information

1.11.2. Organize Information

1.11.3. Integrate the organized information with prior knowledge

2. Week 6: Knowing that the Students Know

2.1. Enduring Understandings

2.1.1. 1. Identify desired results (learning outcomes) 1. Endurance 2. Leverage 3. Prepare for next level

2.1.2. 2. Determine acceptable evidence (assess if learners) 1. Performance task 2. Criteria referenced assessment 3. Unprompted assessment and self assessment

2.1.3. 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction (have learned) 1. Plan authentic and purposeful activities and tasks 2. Ways to differentiate instruction 3. Plan specific experiences - balance written, performance and oral, consider students learning styles and needs

2.2. What is understanding by design video

2.2.1. We teach and assess for understanding and transfer

2.2.2. What's worth understanding? Want students to understand larger transferable concepts and processes within and across subjects Need students to transfer knowledge Just because a student knows things doesn't mean they understand it

2.3. How People Learn Framework (HPL)

2.3.1. Knowledge Centered

2.3.2. Learner Centered

2.3.3. Assessment Centered

2.3.4. Community Centered

2.4. Learning Styles

2.4.1. Auditory - Learn best through spoken and heard material

2.4.2. Tactile - Learn best by doing and moving

2.4.3. Visual - Learn best from information they read or see

2.5. Assessment

2.5.1. Must be planned and purposeful

2.5.2. Used to find out what students already know and can do, to improve learning, and to let students and their parents know how much they've learned within a certain amount of time

2.5.3. Backward Design Curriculum Assessment Instruction

3. Week 7: Individual Differences- Intellectual Abilities and Challenges

3.1. Intelligence

3.1.1. Ability to learn from experience

3.1.2. Ability to adapt to one's environment

3.1.3. Carroll's Hierarchial Model of Intelligence

3.1.4. Nature and Nurture Contributions

3.1.5. Dynamic

3.2. Do We Kill Creativity TED

3.2.1. Creativity is as important as literacy

3.2.2. "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original"

3.2.3. Kid's are frightened of being wrong

3.2.4. We're not prioritizing arts as much as language and math

3.2.5. Our task is to educate the whole being and give them the resources necessary and facilitate so they can reach their goals and aspirations

3.3. Feedback

3.3.1. Comments = students make more gains in achievement and feel more positive

3.3.2. Oral Feedback more effective than written

3.3.3. Spouse rule

3.4. Trifecta of Support

3.4.1. Schools, Systems, and communities

3.5. Special Education

3.5.1. Specialized instruction based on the assessment of students' abilities

3.5.2. Labelling Identification Guiding Principles

3.5.3. Disability vs. Handicap

3.5.4. Tier 1 - Core Program Tier 2 - Supplemental Interventions Tier 3 - Intensive Interventions

3.5.5. High (mild) and low (moderate to severe) incidence exceptionalities

3.6. Physical (Sensory and motor access) vs. Cognitive (understand assignments, plan and execute approaches to tasks) access to curriculum

3.7. Individual student view vs. Curriculum View

3.8. Inclusion

3.8.1. Acceptance of differences

3.8.2. Instruction focuses on appropriate teacher interventions

3.8.3. Material taught made accessible to all students

3.9. Change the system to fit the child

4. Week 8: Socio-Cultural Considerations

4.1. Socio-Cultural Factors

4.1.1. Directly Ethnicity/culture does not dictate learning potential or outcomes

4.1.2. Indirectly Impact students well being and may affect learning - i.e. poverty, regardless of ethnicity can negatively affect learning potential

4.2. Student Dilemmas

4.2.1. Individualism (unique identity and exclusive purpose)

4.2.2. Collectivism (shared identity and common purpose)

4.3. Socio economic status (SES) has greatest impact on scholastic achievement

4.3.1. Children from low SES homes Development at risk Economic hardships Scarcity of resources More likely to experience authoritarian parenting style

4.4. Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

4.4.1. Teachers must know: Their own cultural assumptions How to inquire about students backgrounds How to develop teaching approaches and curriculum to meet needs How to establish links across cultures

4.5. "The child becomes largely what it is taught; hence we must watch what we teach, and how we live before it" - Jane Addams

4.5.1. Instrumental Value of Education Degree to which students believe that doing well in school produces benefits

4.6. Inclusion

4.6.1. Children are different

4.6.2. All children can learn

4.6.3. Different abilities, ethnicities, size, age, background, gender

4.7. Dimensions of Multicultural Education

4.7.1. Content integration, equity pedagogy, empowering school culture and social structure, prejudice reduction, knowledge construction process

4.8. Change cultural glasses

4.8.1. Confront, Complain, Conform

5. Week 9: End of School Year: Standardized Assessments

5.1. Standardized Tests

5.1.1. Federal and Provincial/Territorial

5.1.2. Purpose is to assess effectiveness of instruction

5.1.3. They should enhance teaching and learning, improve curricular design and be minimally intrusive

5.1.4. Contain same questions for all

5.1.5. Administered to all in same fashion

5.1.6. Scored in systematic and uniform manner

5.1.7. Different from teacher made tests and aptitude tests

5.2. Test Types

5.2.1. Criterion Referenced

5.2.2. Norm-Referenced

5.3. Prepare students by:

5.3.1. Conveying positive attitudes about testing

5.3.2. Teaching test taking skills

5.3.3. Simulating use of time limits during testing

5.3.4. Familiarize students with types of questions used

5.3.5. Involve students in marking questions of each type

6. If we design lessons/learning environments for the average student, we are designing them for no one

7. Week 1: Planning for the Upcoming School Year

7.1. Role of educational psychology in our classrooms

7.1.1. Schwab's four common places Teacher Topic Setting Student

7.2. Effective teaching

7.2.1. Reflective practitioners

7.2.2. 10 best practices + 12 generic guidelines

7.3. Instructional approaches

7.3.1. Teacher-centered

7.3.2. Student-centered

7.4. Stop Stealing Dreams TED

8. Week 2: Considering Developmental Differences

8.1. Growth Mindset

8.1.1. Carol Dweck TED Raising kids that are obsessed with getting an A+ and need constant validation

8.1.2. Abilities can be developed

8.1.3. Engage deeply, process error, learn from it, correct it

8.2. Fixed Mindset

8.2.1. Run from error, don't engage

8.3. Developmental Stages

8.4. Instructional Approaches

8.4.1. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

8.4.2. Differentiated Instruction (DI)

8.4.3. Response to Intervention (RTI)

8.5. Constructivist Views of Learning

8.5.1. Inquiry Learning

8.5.2. Problem-based Learning

8.5.3. Collaborative Learning

8.6. 6 Most influential developmental theorists

8.6.1. Piaget How cognitive development and learning take place

8.6.2. Vygotsky Why important to allow students to construct their own learning

8.6.3. Chomsky How and why language develops

8.6.4. Erickson How individuals sense of self develops

8.6.5. Kohlberg How our morality develops (right and wrong)

8.6.6. Brofenbrenner Spheres of influence affect individuals social development

8.7. "Around here - we don't look backwards for very long... we keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things because we are curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths" - Walt Disney

9. Week 3: Views of Learning

9.1. Theories of Learning and Teaching

9.1.1. Cognitive Information is processed, stored, and retrieved from the brain Schemes - adding onto previous /creating new ones Memory and problem solving Piagets 4 Stages of Cognitive Development Environment affects student learning Connecting deeper meaning to prior knowledge

9.1.2. Behaviourist Conditioning Operant Classical Reactive behaviour Exploring through observations Behaviour is learned through role models Bandura's Social Learning Theory

9.1.3. Social Cultural/Constructivist People come in with preconceptions which shape how they learn Social identity of student should be incorporated into class environment Piaget and Vygotsky Teachers are facilitators, zone of proximate development (scaffolding) Student-centered learning Interests/choices Behaviour is connected to environment/past experiences

10. Week 4: Establishing a Positive Learning Environment

10.1. Instructional Strategy Choices

10.1.1. Effective teachers are skilled in Cooperative learning Graphic organizers Homework and questions

10.1.2. Effective teachers make effective use of classroom management techniques

10.1.3. Planning Student Learning Profile A compilation of diagnostics Purpose of getting to know your students as learners is to effectively create a community based on accountability of learning, allowing students to become aware of who they are and how they learn Developing student profile Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs Interests Readiness

10.1.4. Self-regulated learning Tasks Control Self-evaluation Collaboration

10.2. The Myth of Average TED

10.3. Teacher affects student achievement

10.3.1. 1. Designs classroom curriculum to facilitate student learning

10.3.2. 2. Makes wise choices about the most effective instructional strategies to employ

10.3.3. 3. Makes effective use of classroom management techniques

10.4. Classroom Management Keys to Bump System

10.4.1. Proximity

10.4.2. Touch

10.4.3. Students name

10.4.4. Gesture

10.4.5. The look

10.4.6. The pause

10.4.7. Ignore

10.4.8. Signal to begin/attention

10.4.9. Deal with problem not student

10.5. Dynamic Classroom Management (DCM) 5 global principles

10.5.1. 1. Develop caring, supportive relationships with and among students

10.5.2. 2. Organize and implement instruction in ways that optimize students' access to learning

10.5.3. 3. Use group management methods that encourage students' engagement in academic tasks

10.5.4. 4. Promote the development of students' social skills and self regulation

10.5.5. 5. Use appropriate interventions to assist student with behaviour problems

11. Why do we continue to teach kids that it's not okay to fail? Isn't not succeeding right away part of learning?