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Mental disability por Mind Map: Mental disability

1. Perseverance

1.1. Staying at a task

1.2. Completion

1.3. Repeatedly returning to task

2. Socialisation

2.1. Coping with new social situations

2.2. Meeting friends and family

2.3. Having meaning full interpersonal and group interactions

3. Enjoyment of leisure

3.1. Deriving pleasure from normal activities

3.2. Maintaining interest

4. Sexual aspects

4.1. Drive

4.2. Interest

4.3. Pleasure

4.4. Responses

5. Tolerance of stress

5.1. Ability to manage normal levels

5.2. Ability to withstand abnormal levels on occasion

5.3. Dealing with difficult people

5.4. Dealing with difficult situations

6. Organisation & planning

6.1. Ordering

6.2. Sequencing

6.3. Categorising

7. Concentration and attention

7.1. Focus

7.2. Avoiding distraction

8. Memory

8.1. Short term

8.2. Long term

8.3. Other

9. Energy

9.1. Internal will

9.2. Physical energy

10. Motivation

10.1. Initiating required behaviours or thought