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Immigration by Mind Map: Immigration

1. Differences between new & old

1.1. The old document focused on more on the living conditions

1.2. The new document focused more on the reasons why immigrants migrated to the USA.

1.3. The new document focuses more on illegal immigration

2. Similarities between new & old

2.1. Both documents tried to find solutions to the the problem facing immigration

2.2. Both documents discussed how immigration has had an affect in the American society

3. The people

3.1. Old document: Europeans

3.2. New document: Latinos

4. Reasons for migrating

4.1. Better opportunities

4.2. Achieve the American dream

4.3. Reunite with family

4.4. Looking for jobs

5. Societies view on immigration

5.1. Immigrants are looked down upon

5.2. Take jobs that Americans do not want to do

5.3. Different