1. Rosanne van Sandwijk, with HipHopHuis
2. Arjen Wijers & Laurens de Groot
2.1. Leading ocean conservationists
2.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
2.1.2. www.seashepherd.org
3. Bernice Notenboom
3.1. Leading explorer
3.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
3.1.2. www.bernicenotenboom.nl
4. CEO for one day
4.1. New node
4.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
5. David Middendorp
5.1. Leading choreographer
5.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
5.1.2. www.davidmiddendorp.nl
6. Filip Jonker
6.1. leading artist
6.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
6.1.2. www.filipjonker.nl
7. ConnyJanssenDanst
7.1. Modern dance will lead the future
7.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
7.1.2. www.connyjanssendanst.nl
8. Eelco Blok
8.1. Leading businessman
8.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
9. HipHopHuis, with Rosanna van Sandwijk
9.1. Leading hiphop artists
9.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
9.1.2. www.hiphophuis.nl
10. Ilco van der Linde
10.1. Leading peace campaigner
10.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
10.1.2. www.ilcovanderlinde.nl
11. Haiyan Wang
11.1. Leading China expert
11.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
12. Giel Beelen
12.1. Leading radio DJ
12.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
12.1.2. giel.vara.nl
13. Kees Moeliker
13.1. Leading biologist
13.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
13.1.2. moeliker.wordpress.com
14. Lineke Sneller
14.1. Leading IT specialist
14.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
15. Joos Conijn
15.1. Leading artist
15.1.1. www.joostconijn.org
15.1.2. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
16. Jan Kees de Jager
16.1. Opening speech
16.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
17. Marijn Berk
17.1. Leading entrepreneur
17.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
17.1.2. soolpower.com
18. Marjolijn van Heemstra
18.1. Leading poet
18.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
18.1.2. www.marjolijnvanheemstra.nl
19. Mariëlle Rijkaart
19.1. Leading cellist
19.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
19.1.2. www.mariëllerijkaart.nl
20. Mikko Hypponen
20.1. Leading cyber crime fighter
20.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
20.1.2. mikko.hypponen.com
21. Max Westerman - host
21.1. Leading journalist
21.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
21.1.2. www.maxwesterman.nl
22. Merijn Bolink
22.1. Leading artist
22.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
22.1.2. www.merijnbolink.com
23. Patrick Verwijmeren
23.1. Leading finance expert
23.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
24. Rob Wijnberg
24.1. Leading philosopher
24.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
24.1.2. www.robwijnberg.nl
25. Ming's Pretty Heroes & Red Limi String Quartet
25.1. New node
25.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
25.1.2. www.mingsprettyheroes.com
25.1.3. www.redlimostringquartet.nl
26. Roos Jonker
26.1. Leading jazz musician
26.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
26.1.2. www.roosjonker.com
27. Sander Veenhof
27.1. Leading augmented reality artist
27.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
27.1.2. sndrv.nl
28. Sander Veeneman
28.1. Leading poverty campaigner
28.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
28.1.2. www.nocolors.nl
29. Scarlet Mae
29.1. Leading jazz band
29.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
29.1.2. scarletmae.nl
30. Stephanie Francke Quartet
30.1. Leading saxophonist
30.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
31. Suleiman Bakhit
31.1. Leading superhero creator
31.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
32. Steven van der Hoeven
32.1. Leading his life
32.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
33. The Yes Please
33.1. Leading Rotterdam band
33.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
33.1.2. theyesplease.com
34. Willem-Paul Brinkman
34.1. Leading scientist
34.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
35. 'nTune
35.1. Leading gospel singers
35.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
35.1.2. www.ntune.nl
36. Zangmakers
36.1. Leading singing experts
36.1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site
36.1.2. www.zangmakers.nl