TEDxRotterdam2011 Eelco Blok

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Eelco Blok por Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Eelco Blok

1. leadership is about your will to win

2. questions

2.1. do things todat better than yesterday

2.2. have drive

2.3. want to be a winner

2.4. listen more to your insight

3. its about

3.1. drive

3.2. mentally

3.3. experience

4. team

4.1. together

4.2. each

4.3. achieve

4.4. more

4.5. focus on weakest link

5. Leading businessman

5.1. avid sailor

5.2. former ice-hockey champ

5.3. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

6. Lionel Messi

6.1. leads his team

6.2. he need others to lead him

7. important

7.1. ambitious

7.1.1. important

7.2. wanted to go to thr top

7.3. drive to be a top performer

7.4. you cant do it own your own

7.4.1. others need to help you

7.4.2. you need to help others

7.5. working as a team is fun

7.6. adding compentences

8. set a clear goal

8.1. you need to know to get there

8.2. a clear objective

8.3. practise

8.3.1. become better

8.3.2. New node

8.4. it is about the team

8.5. you need other capabilities