TEDxRotterdam2011 Merijn Bolink

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Merijn Bolink by Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Merijn Bolink

1. Leading artist

1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

1.2. www.merijnbolink.com

2. intro

2.1. we all love ideas

2.1.1. ted a fantastic platform

2.2. at least 10 fresh ideas a day

2.3. ideas define us a human species

2.4. q: count how many ideas you encounter

3. Phenomenon

3.1. allot happens when an idea comes up

3.1.1. brain

3.1.2. etc

3.2. different sets of idea

3.3. seredendipty

3.3.1. you find something stronger more interesting than you where actually searching for

4. Edward Muybridge

4.1. do horses come of the groud when running?

4.2. invented high speed camera

4.3. accidently discovered motion pictures

4.3.1. movies

5. brainstorming

5.1. ideas come and come

5.2. a process you cannot control

5.2.1. you dont know when a great idea comes up

5.3. sculpterer

5.3.1. change particles of objects

5.4. serendipity

5.5. private brainstorm

5.5.1. idea session

5.5.2. requires paper pen no interuption go from 1 till no 25

5.5.3. lots of ideas live inside you

5.5.4. select the best idea

5.6. make 25 new ideas based upon the selected idea

5.6.1. the first 10 are easy

5.6.2. next 10 are harder

5.6.3. last 5 are hell

5.6.4. New node

6. invention is the mother of necessity

6.1. just brainstorm

6.2. let the ideas out

6.3. facebook page 25 ideas

7. post your ideas on the 25ideas Facebook page