GS-143 Topics

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GS-143 Topics by Mind Map: GS-143 Topics

1. Memory

1.1. Jungle

1.1.1. Short term memory

1.1.2. Long term memory

1.2. 20 Memory Techniques

1.3. Set traps for memory

1.3.1. turn ring backwards

1.3.2. tie a triple knot in shoelace

1.3.3. put unusual item in pocket

1.4. Keep brain healthy and fit

1.4.1. socialize

1.4.2. physical activity

1.4.3. brain healthy diet

1.5. Mnemonic devices

1.5.1. Acronyms

1.5.2. Acrostics

1.5.3. Rhymes and Songs

1.5.4. Loci System

1.5.5. Peg System

2. Time

2.1. ABC List

2.1.1. A - most important

2.1.2. B - next important

2.1.3. C - least important

2.2. Stop Procrastinating

2.2.1. Action Generates Motivation

2.2.2. Create Goals

2.2.3. Work Under Presuure

2.3. 25 Ways to Make the Most of your Time

2.4. Be Here Now

2.4.1. Focus on the task at hand

2.4.2. Let the voice in your mind focus

2.5. Create Lists and Goals

2.6. Plan

2.6.1. Break large projects into smaller tasks

3. Learning Styles

3.1. Learners

3.1.1. Mode 1 concrete and reflective

3.1.2. Mode 2 abstract and reflective

3.1.3. Mode 3 abstract and active

3.1.4. Mode 4 concrete and active

3.2. VAK system

3.2.1. Visual

3.2.2. Auditory

3.2.3. Kinesthetic

3.3. Multiple Intelligences

3.3.1. Verbal/linguistic

3.3.2. Mathematical/logical

3.3.3. Visual/Spatial

3.3.4. Bodily/kinesthetic

3.3.5. Musica/Rhythmic

3.3.6. Intrapersonal

3.3.7. Interpersonal

3.3.8. Naturalistic

3.4. Four Modes

3.4.1. Concrete Experience

3.4.2. Reflective Observation

3.4.3. Abstract Conceptualization

3.4.4. Active Experiementation

4. Reading

4.1. Muscle Reading

4.1.1. Phase 1 Preview Outline Question

4.1.2. Phase 2 Read Underline Answer

4.1.3. Phase 3 Recite Review Review Again

4.1.4. Pry Out Questions Root Up Answers Recite, Review, Review Again

4.2. Take Breaks

4.3. Read Fast

4.4. Have a large vocabulary

4.5. Find an activity for your children while reading

5. Note-Taking

5.1. Focus while in Class

5.1.1. Sit front and center

5.1.2. Bring the right materials

5.1.3. Note important points

5.2. Technique

5.2.1. Use pictures and diagrams

5.2.2. Underline/star

5.2.3. Use key words

5.3. Cornell Method

5.3.1. Cue Column

5.3.2. Notes

5.3.3. Summary

5.4. Mind Maps

5.5. Outlining

5.6. Review and SUmmarize

5.7. Concept Maps