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Angles by Mind Map: Angles

1. Right Angle

1.1. 2 rays are perpendicular

1.2. complementary

1.2.1. sum of 2 angles equal 90 degrees

1.3. 90 degrees

2. Measuring

2.1. one side on 0 degrees line

2.2. other line determines angle measurement

2.3. vertex is at the center of the protractor

3. Adjacent Angles

3.1. share same ray

3.1.1. means "next to"

4. Semicircle

4.1. 180 degrees

4.1.1. supplementary New node

4.2. supplementary

4.2.1. sum of 2 angles equal 180 degrees

4.2.2. when adjacent to each other, they form a straight line

5. 2 line segments

5.1. all angles are supplementary and adjacent

5.1.1. all angles should equal 360 degrees

5.2. only 2 adjacent/ supplementary angles equal 180 degrees

5.2.1. known as Straight Angle

5.2.2. to find other angle measurements, subtract: 180-given angle

5.3. vertical angles

5.3.1. always equal