The Pleasures of Entertainment

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The Pleasures of Entertainment by Mind Map: The Pleasures of Entertainment

1. Learning

1.1. Social cultural skills

1.2. To satisfy curiosity

1.3. Feel what someone else feels

2. Escaping ordinary life

2.1. See things resolved, preferably happily

2.2. Experience things without tedious bits

2.3. Escape the anxiety of making choices that matter

2.4. See something bigger, greater more fantastic than the norm

2.5. To be distracted

2.6. Experience the exotic, or usually inaccessible things

3. Connection with others

3.1. Sharing experience

3.2. Gossip

3.2.1. Sharing stories

4. Playing

4.1. To feel (live)

4.1.1. Feel immersed/engaged/occupied

4.1.2. Feel strong emotions without real danger or consequence Fear Love Feel stimulated Excitement Fun sexual

4.1.3. Feel realease

4.1.4. Esthetic pleasure

4.2. To test ourselves

4.3. We prefer something rather than nothing