ADDIE - Albert Stern

My ADDIE map for SMx: LDT200x

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ADDIE - Albert Stern by Mind Map: ADDIE - Albert Stern

1. Implementation

1.1. Add to LMS

1.1.1. Add users groups

1.1.2. Tracking mechanism

1.1.3. Reporting mechanism

1.2. User Facing

1.2.1. Invitations

1.2.2. Introduction/Why

1.2.3. How to access

1.2.4. Motivation

2. Evaluate

2.1. Are leaning outcomes met?

2.1.1. Are there any notable areas resistance?

2.1.2. Too easy? Too hard?

2.2. Is user feedback positive?

2.3. Are stakeholders satisfied with results?

2.4. Implement survey

3. Analyze

3.1. Who are the learners?

3.1.1. Age

3.1.2. Profession

3.1.3. Prior education/training

3.2. What are the learning goals?

3.2.1. Specific information required

3.2.2. Learning outcome desired

3.3. Why is the training being developed?

3.3.1. Relevant history or background

3.4. What is the timeframe?

3.4.1. Timeframe for learners

3.4.2. Timeframe for design and implementation

3.5. What is the intended style/voice of the learning?

3.5.1. What has been created before?

3.5.2. What is the intended flavor of the work? (Serious? Friendly? Playful? Etc.)

4. Design

4.1. Outline all required information

4.2. Brainstorm sequence flow/chunking of material

4.3. Determining methods of assessment

4.4. Storyboard flow

4.5. Brainstorm visual language

4.6. Gather all relevant media

5. Development

5.1. Create

5.1.1. Sequencing

5.1.2. Design/Visual Langauge

5.1.3. Flow

5.1.4. Assesements

5.1.5. User feedback

5.2. Review

5.2.1. Editing/Spelling

5.2.2. Function of design

5.2.3. Feedback from stakeholders

5.2.4. Check for technical bugs (ex. Flash issues)