Logic User

Logic User LogicUser.com.cn is a totally new designed web project. Powered by (MT) & Project Babel ... and a superboy named airwolf with great interests.

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Logic User by Mind Map: Logic User

1. Powered by MediaTemple & Project Babel

2. Based on Macintosh

3. What's the so-called Multi-Media in LogicUser

3.1. Photo & Music & [Video + Virtual Effects] & Paintings

3.2. Some Art

4. Multi-Media Arts

5. the Mac-Art

5.1. not just techniques

5.1.1. Apple Pro Users (LifeStle & iDeals & Attitude)

6. all about softwares

6.1. Adobe CS & Modo & Painter .etc [others]

6.2. i + Software

6.2.1. iLife

6.2.2. (core) Point at i-LifeStyle

6.2.3. iWork

6.3. Virtual Effect

6.3.1. Final Cut Studio

6.3.2. (core) Point at Apple Style

6.3.3. Aperture

6.3.4. Shake

6.4. Audio Techniques

6.4.1. Logic Pro only (core) Point at Introducing