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Focus Group B by Mind Map: Focus Group B

1. Can we do something that addresses the K-2 classroom?

2. Create a more prevalent/centralized online source (website, blog, etc.) for district for tech ideas/integration

3. Beginning at the Admin Team level, focus on the coordinated use of Google tools, calendar, etc.

4. More "back to basics" staff development with technology, including MacBooks.

5. Showcasing examples like the Technology Integration Matrix which includes videos/examples of how to use it w/ kids in the classroom

6. begin at a beginner level...many are exposed to ideas of programs to use in the classroom rather than how to truly integrate technology

6.1. An "expert" to model/share effective resources used to give others exposure and ideas

7. Offer "tinkering" time workshops where staff show up w/ a specific technology idea/issue they would like to work on/get help with.

7.1. New node

8. Regular, relevant, scaffolded staff development that is differentiated and applicable to all.

8.1. LSWs

9. designated focus or goal.

10. Staff development needs to be delivered

11. Allowing opportunities for staff to preview content so if someone feels they are lagging behind they can get possibly get some pre-teaching...