Blue Print Kajabi Flight Academy

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Blue Print Kajabi Flight Academy by Mind Map: Blue Print Kajabi Flight Academy

1. Mission 16 [Easy to Digest Product]

1.1. Decide how I want to split up the information in my product so that it is easy to digest for my customers

1.2. Create an outline for each section

2. Mission 17 [Product Set Up]

2.1. Select the platform you will use to create your product and learn how to set it up

2.1.1. eBook Word to PDF eBook Creation | eBookCake -

2.1.2. Membership Site Membership site tool | Kajabi -

2.1.3. Video and/or Audio Membership site tool | Kajabi -

2.1.4. Teleseminars Teleseminar tool | Instant Teleseminar

2.1.5. Webinars Webinar tool | Meeting Burner

2.1.6. Combination of these Platform that handles Video, eBook, Audio, Membership | Kajabi -

3. Mission 18 [Create Content]

3.1. Write, video shoot or speak your content and then upload it to the respective platform

4. Mission 19 [Create a Funnel]

4.1. Easiest way to create a funnel

4.1.1. Ready to build a real online business Membership site tool | Kajabi -

4.1.2. Fast and dirty way to test an idea Unbounce -

4.2. Create a web page for people to land on when first being introduced to you or your product

4.2.1. This page optimally has an area where the site visitor can capture an email and receive a cool PDF or access to a video

4.3. When using Kajabi you'll need to set up an email list collection system

4.3.1. Email List system | AWeber -

4.3.2. Email List system | Mail Chimp -

5. Mission 20 [Study Types of Funnels]

5.1. Send traffic straight to Sales Page

5.2. Lead Capture page

5.2.1. giveaway a free piece of content

5.3. Free content and then site visitor is able to buy full product via sales page

5.4. Multiple events you create that people want join your mailing list, but can not yet buy your product and then eventually you "open the virtual doors" to sell your product

6. Mission 21 [Mapping My Funnel]

6.1. Map out how I want to lay out my product launch process

6.1.1. Mind Mapping tool | Mind Meister

7. Mission 22 [Funnel Events]

7.1. What valuable content will I add into each section of my funnel process?

8. Mission 23 [Funnel Squeeze Page]

8.1. What will the text be on the first page my site visitors land on in my funnel process?

8.2. What content will I give away in exchange for their email on that first squeeze page?

9. Mission 24 [Funnel Sales Page]

9.1. What will the text be on product sales page?

9.2. What worked with my competitors? (Did they have a video, pricing, bonuses)

10. Mission 25 [Branding]

10.1. Tweak my funnel and sales pages so that they look clean and deliver a clear message

10.2. Create a logo

10.2.1. Logo design | 99 Designs

11. Mission 26 [Funnel Integration]

11.1. Integrate all your tools together to create a streamlines experience for your site visitors and customers

11.2. Using Kajabi is the easiest non technical way to integrate different contently types and funnel processes

12. Mission 27 [Funnel Testing]

12.1. Test everything

12.2. Make sure I didn't miss anything in the site visitor experience

12.2.1. For example, Did I create a Thank you Page?

13. Mission 28 [Get Traffic]

13.1. Building it DOESN'T mean they will come

13.2. Find partners

13.3. Participate and be active in forums

13.4. Optimize my blog utilizing keyword research

13.5. Create videos based on keyword research

13.6. Set up advertising campaigns in Google Adwords and Facebook

14. Mission 29 [First Customer Impression]

14.1. How will I interact with my customers?

14.2. What is my customer service system?

14.3. Have I thanked my customers for purchasing my product?

14.4. Have I gotten feedback from my customers of their purchasing experience?

15. Mission 30 [Fresh Content and Community]

15.1. Consistently upload fresh quality content

15.2. Build a loyal community - focus on that 1st core 1000 fans

15.3. Be a part of my community

16. Mission 1 [Find my Niche]

16.1. what am I already good at and have experience in?

16.2. what would I love to make my business about?

16.3. everything I am really interested in? [tv shows, bands causes, clubs]

16.4. what themes do I see in the answers?

17. Mission 2-6 [Keyword Research and Product Analyzation]

17.1. Use the Google External Keyword Tool to discover search volume for my niche

17.1.1. create a list of 10 keywords

17.2. Market research

17.2.1. search competitor sites review pricing review marketing review site presence review advertising solution they provide what are the common themes among the competitor sites analyze sales pages

17.3. Repeat this mission 5 times

18. Mission 7 [Niche Conclusion & Decision]

18.1. Do Mission 2 five times to compare niche performance

18.2. Ask myself

18.2.1. What is the market potential? (how many people can I reach)

18.2.2. What is the partnership potential?

18.2.3. How can I stand out from your competitors?

18.2.4. What is the income potential? (how much money can I make)

18.3. Select the niche I'll move forward with

19. Mission 8 [Content Research]

19.1. Research forums, blogs and articles in my niche

19.2. Ask myself what problems and/or challenges does my market face?

19.3. Ask myself what solution is my market looking for?

20. Mission 9 [Ask my Potential Customers]

20.1. Survey my customers to find out what they are looking for and ready to buy

21. Mission 10 [Review Sales Pages]

21.1. Research 5 more products in the competitive space

21.2. What is my experience viewing competitor sales pages? (do they make me want to buy)

21.3. What works on competitor sales pages?

21.4. What doesn't work on competitor sales pages?

21.5. Make a bullet point list of pros and cons across all 10 sales pages which includes products found in the product analyzation mission

22. Mission 11-13 [Review Competitor Product]

22.1. Buy three competitor products that seemed to be the most promising

22.2. Review the product thoroughly

22.2.1. In what format was it delivered? (ebook, audio, video files, membership site)

22.2.2. How was the sales process?

22.2.3. Was the follow up email sequence after purchase valuable?

22.2.4. How is the content quality?

22.2.5. How is the presentation?

22.2.6. Make a list of the pros and cons

23. Mission 14 [Product Outline]

23.1. Create a mindmap laying out the break down of your product

23.1.1. is a great mind mapping tool

23.2. Gather all the research information I put together and review it at once; keyword, forum, blog, article, competitive, market, product and sales page research

23.3. Outline my introduction

23.3.1. What topics will I cover in my product?

23.3.2. What problem am I solving?

23.4. Outline my credentials

23.4.1. How can I relate to my audience

23.4.2. What is my personal experience with the problem I am solving?

23.5. Outline my solutions

23.5.1. What solutions am I providing and what result will be achieved?

23.6. Outline my summary

23.6.1. Create an overview of the last three things I outlined

23.7. Outline my closing remarks

23.7.1. How can I encourage?

23.7.2. How can I confirm confidence my product is the way to achieve what my market is looking for?

23.7.3. What bonus can I offer?

23.7.4. What testimonials do I have?

24. Mission 15 [Product Delivery Type]

24.1. After review all the competitive sites what format do I want to use to deliver my product?

24.2. ebook, video, audio, membership site, etc