To what extent did Stalin transform the society and economy of the Soviet Union

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To what extent did Stalin transform the society and economy of the Soviet Union by Mind Map: To what extent did Stalin transform the society and economy of the Soviet Union

1. Oppression of the Poor:

1.1. Collectivisation

1.1.1. Policy to force Peasants to give up their farms to the Government

1.2. Less inclusion in Communist Party

1.2.1. Intelligenstia

2. Improved Workforce:

2.1. Increased level of literacy

2.2. Numbers in secondary schools grew six times

2.3. Full employment during the Depression

3. Increased Industry:

3.1. Five Year Plans

3.2. Increase in production of industrial goods

3.3. Increase in production of:

3.3.1. Pig Iron

3.3.2. Electricity

3.3.3. Coal

3.3.4. Steel

3.3.5. Oil

4. Terror:

4.1. NKVD - secret police enforcing policies

4.2. Great Purge

4.2.1. Show Trials

4.2.2. Shot/jailed Red Army members

4.2.3. Accusation of Trotskyite Propaganda

5. Control over everything:

5.1. Soviet Army

5.2. Communist Party

5.3. Press, Radio, Industry

5.4. Economy