TOK Essay (Sabrina) "One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurture contrasting persp...

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TOK Essay (Sabrina) "One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurture contrasting perspectives" by Mind Map: TOK Essay (Sabrina) "One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurture contrasting perspectives"

1. Keywords

1.1. assure

1.1.1. to make sure of, without any doubts

1.2. health

1.2.1. the ability to live on, and to improve

1.3. discipline

1.3.1. one subject within an area of knowledge, typically studied at higher education

1.4. nurture

1.4.1. help or encourage the development of

1.5. contrasting

1.5.1. opposites, differing strikingly

1.6. perspectives

1.6.1. attitude towards something, opinion.

2. Key Phrases

2.1. one way

2.1.1. meaning it is one of the ways to nurture a discipline, but not the only way.

2.2. the health of a discipline

2.2.1. the survival, development and relevance of a discipline

2.3. nurture contrasting perspectives

2.3.1. to not only tolerate, but encourage professionals to be in argument with each other, and to be able to justify their stance

3. Rewrite

3.1. A method to ensure that knowledge in discipline progresses, is to encourage debate between professionals in the field.

4. Rewrite

4.1. In the field of philosophy, debate is central to the development of the AOK, as debate gives rise to new theories and philosophical perspectives.

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. Philosophy

5.1.1. Human Sciences

5.1.2. Determinism vs Libertarianism philosophical debate. Determinism is the philosophical view that the world is simply a series of cause effect, and that humans are just a result of this - we have no free will of our own. Libertarianism is the view that as humans we have agent causation and the ability to trigger events, using our complete free will. Emotion, Sense perception, Reason Concepts/Language