King Lear Adaptation

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King Lear Adaptation por Mind Map: King Lear Adaptation

1. Annotated Bibliography

1.1. Teresa Love

1.2. King Lear, the space of tragedy

1.2.1. PN 1997 .K67653 K613 1977b

1.3. Shakespeare Made Fit: Restoration adaptations

1.3.1. PR 2877 .S525x 1997

2. Paper

3. Example Adaptations

3.1. Once Upon A Time

3.2. Orson Welles

3.3. Patrick Stewart

3.4. RSC: King Lear

4. Script

4.1. Stage Directions

4.1.1. New node

4.2. Deletions

4.3. Setting Modifications

5. Set

5.1. Castle

5.2. Goneril's Castle

5.3. Reagan's Castle

5.4. Storm

5.5. Dover/Field

6. Characters

6.1. Lear

6.2. Cordelia

6.3. Fool

6.4. Kent

6.5. Reagan/Goneril