Mastermind: Rules of engagement

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Mastermind: Rules of engagement by Mind Map: Mastermind: Rules of engagement

1. Equal time for each

1.1. Pitch

1.1.1. 3 min pres

1.1.2. 3 min Q&A

1.2. To share

1.2.1. 8-10'

1.3. To get feedback

1.3.1. As a group 8

1.4. Summary

1.4.1. Facilitator 1

1.4.2. Share notes via Team

2. Don’t Interrupt.

2.1. One person at a time

2.2. Unless speaker asks a question

3. Agenda

4. Goal

4.1. Considering other perspectives

4.2. Accountability

4.3. Resources sharing

4.4. Share obstacles & find solutions

4.4.1. Entrepreneurial Competencies

5. Facilitator

5.1. Time keeper

6. Capture

6.1. Sharer to take note during the group session

6.2. Listeners write notes, feedback and questions on paper

6.2.1. share photo on Teams

7. Format

7.1. Sofas in circle

7.2. No screens, paper only