by Katia Espiand
1. The mobile digital platform and mobile
1.1. Mobile ticketing
1.2. Mobile vouchers, coupons and loyalty cards
1.3. Content purchase and delivery
1.4. Location-based services
1.5. Mobile brokerage
1.6. Mobile banking
1.7. Mobile purchase
1.8. Information services
1.8.1. News
1.8.2. Stock quotes
1.8.3. Sports scores
1.8.4. Financial records
1.8.5. Traffic reporting
1.8.6. Emergency Alerts
2. The principal e-commerce revenue models
2.1. Advertising
2.2. Sales
2.3. Subscription
2.4. Transaction fee
2.5. Affiliate
3. B2B e-commerce
3.1. Electronic data interchange (EDI)
3.1.1. Shipping data
3.1.2. Payment data
3.1.3. Production/inventory requirements
3.2. Private industrial networks
3.3. Net marketplaces (e-hubs)
4. Selling banner, video and text ads
5. Social Networking and the Wisdom of Crowds
5.1. Interacting with potential customers via Facebook and MySpace profiles
5.2. Social networkers’ comments
5.3. User-generated content sites
6. 9. New Careers in E-Commerce
6.1. Digital Marketing
6.2. E-Commerce Manager
6.3. E-Retailer Manager
6.4. Assistant Web Producer
6.5. Performance Analyst
7. Key Concepts in E-commerce
7.1. Digital markets reduce
7.1.1. Information asymmetry
7.1.2. Search costs
7.1.3. Transaction costs
7.1.4. Menu costs
7.2. Digital markets enable
7.2.1. Price discrimination
7.2.2. Dynamic pricing
7.2.3. Disintermediatio
7.3. Digital goods
7.3.1. Goods can be delivered over a network
7.3.2. Costs of delivery over the Internet very low
7.3.3. Marketing costs remain the same
7.3.4. Pricing highly variable