Test levels, types and technics

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Test levels, types and technics by Mind Map: Test levels, types and technics

1. By aims and goals

1.1. By ways of dealing with application

1.1.1. Positive testing

1.1.2. Negative testing

1.2. Functional testing

1.3. Nonfunctional testing

1.4. Installation testing

1.5. Regression testing

1.6. Re-testing

1.7. Acceptance testing

1.8. Usability testing

1.9. Accessibility testing

1.10. Interface testing

1.11. Security testing

1.12. Internationalization testing

1.13. Localization testing

1.14. Compatibility testing

1.14.1. Configuration testing

1.14.2. Cross-browser testing

1.15. Comparison testing

1.16. Qualification testing

1.17. Reliability testing

1.18. Recoverability testing

1.19. Failover testing

1.20. Data quality testing and Database integrity testing

1.21. Resource utilization testing

1.22. Performance testing

1.22.1. Load (Capacity) testing

1.22.2. Scalability testing

1.22.3. Volume testing

1.22.4. Stress testing

1.22.5. Concurrency testing

2. By chronology

2.1. General chronology

2.1.1. Positive (simple)

2.1.2. Negative (simple)

2.1.3. Positive (complex)

2.1.4. Negative (complex)

2.2. By component hierarchy

2.2.1. Bottom-up testing

2.2.2. Top-down testing

2.2.3. Hybrid testing

2.3. By attention to requirements and requirement's components

2.3.1. Requirements testing

2.3.2. Functional components testing

2.3.3. Nonfunctional components testing

3. By code execution

3.1. Static testing

3.2. Dynamic testing

4. By specification (testing) level

4.1. Unit testing

4.2. Integration testing

4.3. System testing

5. By architecture tier

5.1. Presentation tier testing

5.2. Business logic tier testing

5.3. Data tier testing

6. By access to application code and architecture

6.1. White box method

6.2. Black box method

6.3. Grey box method

7. By functions under test importance (decreasingly) (by functional testing level)

7.1. Smoke testing

7.2. Critical path testing

7.3. Extended testing

8. By and users participation

8.1. Alpha testing

8.2. Beta testing

8.3. Gamma testing

9. By automatization level

9.1. Manual

9.2. Automated (+automatic)

10. By application nature

10.1. Web add testing

10.2. Mobile app testing

10.3. Desktop app testing

10.4. ...

11. By formalization level

11.1. Test case based

11.2. Exploratory

11.3. Ad hoc

12. By techniques and approaches

12.1. Positive testing

12.2. Negative testing

12.3. Based on tester's experience, scenarios, checklists

12.3.1. Explorary

12.3.2. Ad-hoc

12.4. By intrusion to application work process

12.4.1. Intrusive testing

12.4.2. Nonintrusive testing

12.5. By automation techniques

12.5.1. Data-driven testing

12.5.2. Keyword-driven testing

12.5.3. Behavior-driven testing

12.6. By input driven selection techniques

12.6.1. Equivalence partitioning

12.6.2. Baundry value analysis

12.6.3. Domain testing

12.6.4. Pairvise testing

12.6.5. Orthogonal array testing

12.7. By code

12.7.1. Control flow testing

12.7.2. Data flow testing

12.7.3. State transition testing

12.7.4. Code review

12.8. By error source (knowledge)

12.8.1. Error guessing

12.8.2. Heuristic evaluation

12.8.3. Error seeding

12.8.4. Mutation testing

12.9. By operational environment

12.9.1. Development testing

12.9.2. Operational testing

12.10. By application behavior (models)

12.10.1. Decision table testing

12.10.2. State transition testing

12.10.3. Specification-based testing

12.10.4. Model-based testing

12.10.5. Use case testing

12.10.6. Parallel testing

12.10.7. Random testing

12.10.8. A/B testing