Propaganda in China

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Propaganda in China by Mind Map: Propaganda in China

1. suspension of bilateral relationship

2. confucius institutions

2.1. Falun gong

2.2. traditional belief

3. Using Chinese to influence censorship policies abroad (Cambodia)

4. tools

4.1. Use of slogans

4.2. CCTV

4.3. Poster

4.4. social media

4.5. News report

4.6. Radio

5. China dream

6. Censorship

6.1. self censorship

6.1.1. weibo/wechat post

6.1.2. Deleting own posts on Wiebo/Wechat public accounts

6.1.3. Self-removal of articles by news companies

6.1.4. Precaution when typing/posting

6.1.5. Even in private chats

6.2. state censorship

6.2.1. national pride

6.3. state censorship e.g. hiding number of casualties of hazards

7. Money and investment

7.1. authoritarianism

7.2. BRI

7.3. Funding political parties in the U.S., e.g. Cindy Yang

8. state power

8.1. soft power

8.1.1. exporting Chinese cultural content Chinese drama Chinese music Chinese films CGTN, CCTV abroad

8.1.2. journalist training Belt and Road journalist forum Super China

8.1.3. Censorship in private chats (ex. WeChat)

8.2. sharp power

8.2.1. economic sanction

8.2.2. bribing foreign politicians

9. 結束一黨專政

10. Taiwan

11. showing off strength

11.1. Stance supporting the Party and the leader

11.2. showing economic strength

12. Expansion in South China Sea

12.1. New surface to air missiles in the region

12.2. More naval presence to counter the U.S.

13. Diaoyu Islands/Senkaku

13.1. 中國一点都不能少

14. Internal

14.1. Internet censorship

14.1.1. 50 cent army

14.1.2. Banning of foreign social media

14.2. The media must be surnamed the party 黨媒姓黨

14.3. Newspapers: People's Daily

14.4. The intended audiences are citizens inside China

14.5. Using rap to attract Chinese audience

15. social media influence

15.1. e.g. tiktok

15.2. Casting doubt

15.3. Use role models/artists/idols to help deliver a message

15.3.1. Friends of China

16. External Propaganda

17. 結束一黨專政