Social Media Strategy

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Social Media Strategy por Mind Map: Social Media Strategy

1. sentiment analysis

2. Audience

2.1. School/Education

2.2. Residents

2.2.1. Prepare

2.2.2. Heed Warnings

2.2.3. Build knowledge of potential disaster

2.2.4. Share our messages

2.3. News Media

2.3.1. Share Messages

2.4. First Responders

2.4.1. Share messages

2.5. VOADs

2.5.1. share messages

2.5.2. prepare internally

2.6. Other Emergency Managers

2.6.1. share messages

3. Keep Count/EM with positive focus

4. Goals

4.1. Humanize EM

4.1.1. Stories

4.2. Behavior Change

4.2.1. Commitments

4.3. Become trusted source of incident info

4.3.1. Action oriented pinerest library

4.3.2. Accurate

4.3.3. Timely

4.4. Appropriate Humor

4.4.1. Match mood/expectations

4.4.2. Fun & lighthearted

4.5. Educate

4.5.1. Links to sources

4.6. Interaction

4.6.1. Surveys/invite responses

4.6.2. invite comments

4.7. Grow target audience

4.7.1. pictures/stories

5. Provide alerts/warnings/notification

6. Content Creation

6.1. Graphic Design

6.2. Videos

6.2.1. Public safety messaging

6.2.2. Preparedness messaging

6.3. Photos

6.4. Articles/Blog Postings

6.4.1. Audio Files Canned audio messages on Sound Cloud Just-in-time recording of messages

7. Social Metrics


7.2. favorites




7.6. mentions

7.7. Twitter Engagement Rate (TER) = total social actions/total reach

8. Measurements

8.1. Facebook Engagement Rate (FER) = total social actions/total reach

8.2. Website traffic

8.2.1. traffic from social media

8.2.2. URL clicks

8.3. Brand Awareness

8.3.1. Follower growth rate

8.3.2. % change in followers over time

8.3.3. twitter sentiment

8.3.4. clicks by region

8.4. Community Size

8.4.1. Followers/subscribers

8.4.2. Growth = change in community size over time

8.5. Video

8.5.1. Minutes Watched

8.5.2. Top videos


8.6. Engagement Responsiveness

8.6.1. Questions answered

8.6.2. Response time

8.7. Metric analysis summary

8.8. Google Analytics

8.8.1. Click throughs

8.8.2. conversions

8.8.3. visitor loyalty

8.9. Strategic Outcomes

8.9.1. narrative

9. reach by region