Strategic Account Plan

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Strategic Account Plan by Mind Map: Strategic Account Plan

1. Strategic Learning

1.1. Emergent strategies

1.2. Evaluation of Strategy

1.3. Strategic Plan Review

2. Strategic Programming

2.1. Goals

2.2. Action Plan

2.3. Tactics

3. Vision and Mission

3.1. Identify Vision

3.2. Identify Mission

4. Environmental Scan (ASWOT-C)

4.1. Read me first

4.2. Assumptions & Purpose

4.2.1. Purpose

4.2.2. Assumptions

4.3. Strengths

4.3.1. Professional/Technical Expertise

4.3.2. Customer base

4.3.3. Finance

4.3.4. Resources

4.3.5. Staff

4.4. Weaknesses

4.4.1. Professional/Technical Expertise

4.4.2. Customer base

4.4.3. Finance

4.4.4. Resources

4.4.5. Staff

4.5. Opportunities

4.5.1. Home market potential

4.5.2. Export potential

4.5.3. Strategic partnerships

4.6. Threats

4.6.1. Staff Numbers Expertise

4.6.2. Finance

4.6.3. The Competition

4.6.4. Lack of equipment

4.6.5. Time pressures

4.7. Consequences

4.7.1. Market share

4.7.2. Customer support issues

4.7.3. Competitive advantage

4.7.4. Need for training

4.7.5. Quality improvements

5. Identify Strategic Issues

5.1. Gap Analysis

5.1.1. What is our current position?

5.1.2. Where do we want to go?

5.2. Benchmarking

5.2.1. How will we measure gap closure?