Input and Output Devices
by Alexis Sargent
1. Output Devices are any peripheral that moves date out of the computer.
2. Data Projector units - Display information from the monitor to a large group, making the information on the computer available to a large audience (especially in the same room).
3. LCD Projectors offer a compact LCD display with their own built in light source. Displays are usually clear clear with the room and outside light due to it's own internal light source.
4. As the level of brightness and resolution increases the price increases. If the computer and projector lack compatibiity there may be issues displaying images. It may mean covered windows and turned off lights for instructors
5. Projectors can project images from a computer and video from a video source. For clearest and best results images should be displayed on a projection screen, as opposed to a wall.
6. Combines and LCD display and al lightsource in a single unit. For this reason data projectors are usually referred to as LCD.
7. Projectors usually have features such as built in speakers allowing teachers to play films, have recorded media.
8. They are designed to accept a variety of video inputs making it possible to display a videotape, DVD, or tv programs.
9. Input Devices - any computer peripheral that you might use to enter data into a computer.
10. Scanner - convert hard copy to digital data. when scanned, software that is packaged with scanner hardware turns the image or text on the page into its digital equivalent.
11. Scanners work something like digital copiers, saving a digital image for further use.
12. Scanners can turn printed paged into digital documents with word- processing software. it require the use of optical character recognition (OCR) software. It allows teachers to scan tests or documents that need to be altered and make correcrtions and edit. Therefore if only a hard copy is available teaches won't need to recopy all of their work.
13. In general scanned files are large but do require a high speed internet connection scanned throug a parallel port.
14. Scanners can be used to scan model copies for students to peruse, works that needs to be edited. Pictures can be scanned as well and edited or decorated.