Assistive Technology as a Career

A map with definitions, courses, and assistive technology types.

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Assistive Technology as a Career por Mind Map: Assistive Technology as a Career

1. Research and Development Work Relating to Assistive Technology 2007-08

2. AT Environments

2.1. In the home - National Health

2.1.1. Care provider technology

2.1.2. Gerontechnology

2.1.3. Healthcare technology

2.1.4. Independence and security technology

2.1.5. Rehabilitation Technology

2.1.6. Telemedicine

2.1.7. Wellness Technology

2.1.8. Telehealth

2.1.9. Telecare

2.1.10. e-health

2.2. Leisure and Education

2.2.1. Computer Based

2.2.2. Handheld

2.2.3. Ergonomic

2.2.4. Enhance, support and teach

3. Training Courses

3.1. Courses based in USA

3.2. Short and product-specific courses in the UK

3.3. Degree, Diploma and Certificate Courses in AT

3.4. Other Accredited Courses

4. AT Types

4.1. Communication

4.2. Mobility

4.3. Manipulation

4.4. Orientation

4.5. Cognition

4.6. Access

4.7. Enabling

5. Publications

5.1. Assistive Technology: an education, a career, a partnership

6. Sample career pathway - BCS

7. Ideas for new modules?

7.1. HCI gap and human centric software design

7.1.1. have software project

7.2. computer gtaphic and HCI link with AT

7.2.1. developing products

7.3. SEG project would have helped if you had to do one usability test.

7.4. simulation programs - not same as trials

7.5. Rich case studies - link to videos

7.5.1. set up a network with disabled users for discussing issues and strategies.

8. Definitions

8.1. ISO 9999: 1998


8.3. FAST

8.4. Wikipedia

8.5. World Health Organisation


8.7. Assistive Technology Act, USA.

8.8. TIDE

8.9. Models of Care for Older People

8.10. How to Keep Abreast of Technology

8.11. North Carolina Assistive Technology Project

8.12. Washington Assistive Technology Act Program

8.13. Health Division –Fatronik

8.14. EmpTech

8.15. LexDis

9. Professional Bodies in UK

9.1. Association of Clinical Scientists

9.2. Association of Orthopaedic Technicians

9.3. British Association/College of Occupational Therapists

9.4. British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists

9.5. British Computer Society

9.6. British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine

9.7. Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

9.8. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

9.9. Engineering Council UK

9.10. General Social Care Council

9.11. General Teaching Council for England

9.12. Hearing Aid Council

9.13. Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

9.14. Institution of Engineering and Technology

9.15. Royal College of Nursing

9.16. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

9.17. Royal Institute of Public Health

9.18. Royal Society of Medicine