Theoretical Perspectives on Language Acquisition

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Theoretical Perspectives on Language Acquisition by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives on Language Acquisition

1. Nativist Perspective

1.1. Noam Chomsky

1.2. humans are born with innate capabilities to acquire language

2. Interactionist Perspective

2.1. Lev Vygotsky

2.2. children aquire language through interactions

2.3. speech is social and includes both ego-centric and communicative speech

3. Cognitive Developmental Perspective

3.1. Jean Piaget

3.2. language is learned like other learning

3.2.1. Task

3.2.2. Prerequisites

3.3. some specific cognitive development must occur before language can develop

3.3.1. Task

3.3.2. Prerequisites

4. Behaviorist Perspective

4.1. BF Skinner

4.2. child is a blank slate

4.3. language development occurs as a child's verbal and non verbal responses are reinforced