The Origins of Progressivism pages 306 - 337
by Jeff Lowman
1. Muckrakers
1.1. Upton Sinclair
2. Wilson Wins Financial Reforms
2.1. Federal Income Tax
2.2. Tariffs
3. Women win Suffrage
3.1. Catt and the National Movement
4. The Limits of Progressivism
4.1. Wilson and Civil Rights
4.2. The Twilight of Progressiveism
4.2.1. New Node New Node New Node New Node New Node New Node
5. Four Goals of Progressivism
5.1. Promote Social Welfare
5.1.1. Florence Kelly
5.2. Promoting Moral Improvement
5.2.1. Prohibition
5.3. Creating economic reform
5.3.1. Muckrakers
5.4. Fostering efficiency
5.4.1. Scientific Management
6. Cleaning up local government
6.1. Reform Mayors
7. Reform at the State Level
7.1. Reform Governors
7.2. Protecting Working Children
7.3. Efforts to limit working hours
7.4. Reform elections
7.4.1. Initiative
7.4.2. referendum
7.4.3. Recall election
7.4.4. Direct Election of Senators
8. Women in the work force
8.1. Farm Women
8.2. Women in industry
9. Women Lead Reform
9.1. Women in higher education
9.2. Women and reform
9.2.1. Susan B. Anthony
9.2.2. Suffrage Three Part Strategy