Module 9: Gender and the State: Reproductive Politics, Nation, Property: Japanese mothers and obe...

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Module 9: Gender and the State: Reproductive Politics, Nation, Property: Japanese mothers and obentos por Mind Map: Module 9: Gender and the State: Reproductive Politics, Nation, Property: Japanese mothers and obentos

1. Japanese mothers equate being a "good" mother by how detailed and intricate the obento box is

1.1. Children show their respect to their mother by eating everything prepared in the bento box

2. Schools use the construction of the obento box as a way to judge the mother and child

2.1. The school wants the obento box to be eaten quickly by the students. This serves as an overall purpose of the state authority for gender meaning

3. The style in which the portions of the obento box is made plays a huge role in how the mother and child are perceived by the daycare

3.1. The food preparation consists of multiple codes that should be followed.

4. The Japanese utilize school as a way to create the type of citizens they want in the future. The significance of the obento box is not just about food but also about creating social and gender values

5. Yochien (nursery school) is seen as the first introduction into becoming a Japanese student

5.1. The obento box that is prepared by the mother is supposed to provide comfort to the child as they start their journey into the real world. Something brought with them from home to school so they feel comfortable.

6. The amount of time mothers take preparing the obento box is what the school sees and judges the parenting from. Also the school sets the expectation for the child to follow that they need to eat all of their food.

6.1. How quickly the children eat the food causes a rippling affect of good or bad for the children in nursery school.

7. The obento box also represents that the child obey the rules of the school and follow instructions. It is practice for how the child should behave in the real world.

8. Obento also symbolizes preciseness, a trait that all Japanese hold in high regards with anything that they do. I personally saw this when I lived there as a high school student and as an Airmen stationed in Okinawa. The Japanese people as a whole work together and are generally not selfish. They also take pride in whatever job they have.